The so-called reactions are custom programming done for your beast, dweller, or item, to give it extra ambiance or minor utility. Reactions are responses to various 'triggers' that happen to or around your programmed customisations. For instance, if someone uses the 'pet' emote on your beast, it could respond by purring. Or if your dweller hears your name said aloud, it could respond by making a comment about you. 

Only one thing should happen as a reaction to a trigger, but that action could consists of a few 'lines'. For example, how the target and the witness see something that happened requires two lines but still counts as one reaction. 

Reactions are composed of two elements minimum: a trigger and a reaction. A third element can be added to fine-tune the reaction - criteria.

See relevant help files for pricing of reactions. You can also request further customisation with reactions at any point after the initial setup.


- particularly complex reactions may be priced as two or more reactions
- reactions should not be used to mimic effects of skills or artifacts*
- reactions should not be excessive in length
- the name of your beast, dweller, or item must not be hidden in reactions
- you can request cooldowns for reactions free of charge (advisable in many cases)
- some reactions come with built-in cooldowns to avoid spam
- most reactions can be coloured (but not excessively so)
- reaction lines should not invade the bodily space of others**
- additional, situation-specific rules are listed at the bottom of this file

* There is no exhaustive list for this rule as it will be considered on a case by case basis, but some examples include: making a beast or dweller relay what was said in a room to you, relay entrances and departures from a room, relay who is attacking them, etc.

** In cases where you're targeting a specific person (your friend, spouse, etc.) it is permissible to bend the rule with that person's permission. Ask them to e-mail support@lusternia.com with their permission after making your request.


Available triggers depend on what you are customising. Items cannot react to being killed, for example, as they cannot die. Beasts cannot be locked, and so on.

- being greeted
- being given something
- being told something
- being emoted at with a specific emote
- death (at the very moment)
- dying (hurting bad, not dead yet)
- entry of a player 
- exit of a player
- hearing something that was said
- random (happens off randomly)
- being dropped
- drunk (if the item is a liquid container)
- eaten 
- being picked up
- being lit (if it is a pipe or something that can be lit)
- being locked (if it has a lock)
- being unlocked (if item has a lock)
- being opened (if it is a container that has a lid)
- being closed (if it is a container that has a lid)
- being played (if it is an instrument)
- being pointed at (pointing the item at something)
- being pulled
- being pushed
- being removed (jewellery/clothes only, item being taken off)
- being worn (jewellery/clothes only, item being put on)
- being rung (like a bell)
- being shaken
- being smoked (if it is pipe)
- being thrown
- being touched
- being turned
- being unwielded
- being wielded
- being bought from (shopkeepers only) - response when someone buys an item from the shopkeeper
- being asked something (best used for shopkeepers when asking about wares)


These are the things that your beast, dweller, or item can do in response to triggers.

- say something
- do a standard emote
- do a custom emote/line
- tell someone something
- give someone something (provided the denizen is holding it)
- drop something (provided the denizen is holding it)
- change something about themselves (appearance, etc.)


Unless limited by criteria, reactions will be triggered by anyone. However, all available triggers can be made to respect additional criteria. For example, your beast could respond to being patted but only if you, the owner, do it. It would then not respond to the emote if anyone else did it.

If there are two potential results to a trigger due to requested criteria, this counts as two reactions. For example, you petting a beast has one outcome, someone else petting it has a different outcome.

- done by the owner
- done by a certain player
- done by an ally
- done by an enemy
- done by someone of a specific organisation (city, commune, guild, family, Order, etc.)
- happens during a certain time of day (day, night, etc.)
- happens during a certain season (spring, autumn, etc.)
- happens during certain weather (it's raining, it's snowing, etc.)
- happens during a certain moon phase


Delivery and Retriever can be purchased for beasts and dwellers and are complex reactions that come as one package.

  - You cannot hide the name of the beast in any of the lines.
  - The lines should be no longer than 200 characters.
  - The lines cannot be coloured.


This will allow you to use your beast or dweller to deliver items to players who are online. You first have to give the item to them and then say "DELIVER TO <player>". While writing lines for the delivery add-on please read the instructions *carefully* as the lines need to match the actions exactly. The lines take place after you had already given the item to the beast or dweller and told it to deliver.

We need the following lines:
1) Pet owner's location, pet already has the item, everyone sees: 
     With a grin PET grips ITEM and bounds away to deliver it to TARGET. (ITEM & TARGET inclusion optional)
2) Delivery target would see:
     PET bounds in and hands you ITEM, then bounds away again. 
3) Delivery target, everyone else would see:
     PET bounds in and hands ITEM to TARGET, then bounds away again. (ITEM inclusion optional, must deliver to hands)
4) Pet owner's location when pet returns, everyone sees:
     PET bounds in and beams with a job well done. 


This will allow you to use your beast or dweller to retrieve items from players who are online. You first send them to the player by saying "GO TO <player>", the player in question then gives them an item, and they return. 

If the pet receives no item to bring back, it will return after a while on its own. When the pet returns, it will automatically place the item in your inventory. While writing lines for the delivery add-on please read the instructions *carefully* as the lines need to match the actions exactly.

You need to provide the following custom texts:
1) Pet owner's location, everyone sees: 
     With a grin PET bounds away to TARGET. (TARGET inclusion optional)
2) Retrieval target would see:
     PET bounds in and looks at you expectantly.
3) Retrieval target, everyone else would see:
     PET bounds in and looks expectantly at TARGET.
4) Retrieval target, after giving an item to the pet:
     PET takes ITEM from you and bounds away.
5) Retrieval target, after giving an item, everyone else would see:
     PET takes ITEM from TARGET and bounds away. (ITEM inclusion optional)
6) Pet owner's location when pet returns:
     PET bounds in with ITEM clamped firmly in its jaws. (ITEM inclusion optional)

Requesting changes to reactions, after a month has passed since the dweller's delivery, comes with the cost of 50 credits per reaction adjusted. There is no charge for fixing of typos or grammar.


Reactions have a variety of additional rules and limitations that are very situation-specific, these will be listed here and cover anything from use of colour to line length limits.

- colour should not be used for frequently triggered reactions
- reactions to uniquely targetted players entering/leaving will have a built-in cooldown
- enter/exit reactions will only fire if the owner is in the room

Not Allowed:
- enter/exit reactions that force a beast to follow its owner
- enter/exit reactions cannot be coloured, except for uniquely targetted players
- reactions that effectively create all-purpose 'trash cans' are not allowed

Length limits:
- enter/exit reactions should be no longer than 200 characters
- delivery/retriever lines should be no longer than 200 characters