Clothing is created by adventurers who have chosen the tailoring craft skill. Though not particularly useful in physical combat, the prestige offered by expensive and well-made ensembles increases your effectiveness during ego battles. (The exception being begging, in which case the less prestigious the clothes, the more effective the ego battle.) 

To put on (wear) clothing, simply type WEAR <clothing>.
To take off (remove) clothing, type REMOVE <clothing>.

Be aware that each item of clothing is worn over a particular part of the body, with different parts of the body limiting how many articles of clothing may be worn. For instance, you can only wear one shirt, but you can wear many rings. Also, some clothes (like underwear) must put on before other articles of clothing, so you cannot, for example, wear a brassiere over a coat. Similarly, when a piece of clothing is worn under another piece of clothing, it cannot be removed until the latter is taken off first. Note that your prestige from clothes only counts for those items that are seen (thus, the expensive dress will not count to your prestige if completely covered by a cloak--indeed, it won't even be seen). 

Others can LOOK AT <item> ON <person> to see more detail about a particular item of clothing you are wearing.

Additionally, you can selectively hide/unhide or pose your worn clothing items. Syntax:
  CLOTHING UNHIDE [<clothing>|ALL]
  CLOTHING POSE <clothing> <pose>
  CLOTHING UNPOSE <clothing>

CLOTHING HIDDEN will show all your currently hidden clothing.

LOOK ISUNE example before posing:
   She is a radiant immortal... <description text>.
   <Hair/Beard curios go here>
   She is wearing:
   a starlit circlet crowned with the Sun-in-Glory

LOOK ISUNE example after posing:
   She is a radiant immortal... <description text>.
   <Hair/Beard curios go here>
   She is wearing:
   a starlit circlet crowned with the Sun-in-Glory sitting proudly atop a nest of opalescent head feathers
Note that the pose text supplied is appended at the end of the short description for the particular article of clothing you want to describe in more detail. Please be reasonable in how posing is used. Your descriptions should be IC and within the bounds of the world of Lusternia and are subject to policies and rules as listed in all files under HELP POLICIES.

  - Runes of Hiding/Gloves of Concealment/Cloak of Concealment do 
    not automatically hide items.
    o You have ten free slots for hiding items.
    o Artifacts do not count toward a slot, and may be hidden free.
    o A rune of hiding will cause an article of clothing to count as
      an artifact for this purpose.
      - Gloves of Concealment adds ten extra slots for jewellery only.
      - Cloak of Concealment adds ten extra slots for clothing only.  
  - Gaudy Glamrock artifact has been changed hugely.
    o Coutures do not have a decay time. However, if a single item in
      them decays, so too will the couture.
    o Using LOOK AT <item> ON <person> will target couture items.