Each of the cities and communes in Lusternia has a post office, often located near the bank. You will first need an envelope, action origami, or modular origami, which you can purchase from bookbinders or shops they stock.

While in a post office, the following things can be done:

WRITE <letter/stationery/invitation>: Compose a letter or invitation. Note that you must be at full health and mana to write a letter.  You will also need to be seated on a chair at a desk and chair, which may be in the post office or nearby; ask your citymates if you don't see it.

PUT <item> IN <envelope/origami>: An envelope can hold two items.  Modular origami can hold up to 25 items.

MAIL <letter/invitation/envelope/origami> TO <whomever>: Address and mail a letter to whomever it is for. You must do this in a postal office. Your postage must be in the form of an envelope, action origami, or modular origami.

CHAR <letter/stationery>: Provided you have a source of fire with you, such as a tinderbox, you can partially char a letter or stationery, which will cause bits and pieces of it to become unreadable. This can be done multiple times.

PRESERVE <letter/invitation> FOR <x> MONTHS: For 500 gold per Lusternian month specified, preserve a letter or invitation from decay for the duration.

OPEN/CLOSE <envelope/origami>: Envelopes and origami must be closed for them to be mailed, and may be opened by the recipient. You may also stamp either with a seal to close it - see AB BOOKBINDING STAMP for more information.