Iron Realms Characters

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Who Is Playing

Aknarin, Aramantos, Ayisdra, Eiselle, Faragan, Galaphyrae, Inagin, Jaye, Jemna, Jinan, Kistan, Malayn, Numinous, Phaedren, Rysic, Shango, Tuilinn, Tzshalgoth, Veldrin, Zynna
Total: 24 players online.

Game News

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What's Happening

Level Gained
Jemna has reached the level of Demigod!
Level Gained
Tuilinn earned level 98.
Achievement Gained
Auren has completed the Complete A Quest achievement.
Level Gained
Auren earned level 12.
Player Death
A three-faced gorgon has turned her terrible gaze upon Rysic, petrifying him for eternity.

Organisational Logs

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