While many items can be customised through the design system and associated trade skills, sometimes customisation of other items is needed as well. Customisation of items covers more than just the visuals, too.

Many types of item customisation can be requested through the CUSTOMIZE command, but some, especially more complex requests, can only be requested by emailing support@lusternia.com. See HELP CUSTOMISATIONS for more information on the general rules and the process itself and HELP CUSTOMISATION EXAMPLES for examples of what your submission should contain.

- You should not recreate quest or event items through the customisation system.
- The customisation must fit your character and be within the realm of possibility for them (for example, a Celestine is unlikely to have a very Nihilistic item).
- Most artificats can be customised. Notable exceptions: dolls.
- Artifacts already reset, and are non-decaying, but you may still customise their appearance (it does not increase artifact tradein value though).
- Most, but not all, (non-mobile) items may be customised.
- Most class-specific weapons can be customised (symbols, athames, etc.)
- Forged items can be made non-decay or resetting. 
- Class skill-specific items (such as crow cloaks) may never be customised with
  non-decay or resetting.
- Books cannot be customised with resetting, with the exception of a catalogue.
- Most items can be made to reset (which includes non-decay) through weapon or combat runes and that is always the recommended method for those customisations.
- You cannot change the nature of the item being customised (glasses cannot become a shield, but they could become spectacles).
- Functional items (class weapons, artifacts) cannot change in a manner that makes their associated lines illogical.
- The customisation should not use the name or symbol of an organisation or family that your character does not represent. 


DESCRIPTION - Change the way the item appears.
              Most items may have custom descriptions.
              Artifacts may have custom descriptions.
              Descriptions may not change the basic nature of the item.
              COST: 150 credits 

ALIAS       - Allows you to add an 'alias' to an item.
              Aliases allow interacting with the item using that word.
              Mandated if changing the main noun of the item.
              COST: 100 credits

NON-DECAY   - Your item never decays (with restrictions: ask first!)
              No quest items.
              Artifacts are already NON-DECAY.
              A few items are already NON-DECAY.
              Can be purchased without RESETTING.
              COST: 150 credits

RESETTING   - Item returns to your inventory on a regular basis.
              Most items may be made to RESET to their owner.
              Quest items may not be given a custom RESET.
              Artifacts already RESET to their owner.
              The item will not stay stolen (it always comes back!).
              The item cannot be destroyed.
              This does not turn the item into an artifact.
              RESETTING includes NON-DECAY.
              COST: 200 credits

REACTIONS   - Reactions, also called programming, allows a response 
              to item manipulation such as turning, wearing, shaking, 
              touching, wielding, saying something. After initial 
              programming is set up, extra reactions can be added later. 
              See HELP REACTIONS for more information.
              COST: 250 credits (includes 1 reaction, 100cr for each extra)

ACTIONLINE  - Change the way the item appears when used.
              Only possible with artifacts.
              Not possible for all artifacts.
              Action lines must align with the item's description.
              See HELP ACTION LINES for more information.
              COST: 200 credits


The following can be handled through the in-game customisation system: description, non-decay, resetting. Entering CUSTOMIZE without any arguments will give you the full syntax. If there are any problems with the customisation, the administration will reject your application and you will be able to edit it and resubmit, similar to the design review process.

If your request involves the other types of customisation, or it is a mix of customisation elements, it should be submitted as an e-mail to support@lusternia.com.