
Please note that most runes must be attached to a piece of jewellery in order to provide the intended effect. The exceptions to this are offensive and defensive damage runes, which can go on clothing and armour. Offensive runes may also be attached to weaponry, though they will need to be wielded to be effective (and thus it is generally preferable to rune something you will wear).

As long as an item remains runed, it will no longer decay, and multiple runes may be attached to the same object. There is a 10 rune limit per item (i.e., no item may hold more than 10 runes.)

Regarding STACKING of Runes:
1) Unless explicitly stated, a rune will not stack with other copies of itself. If a rune has multiple levels, runes of various levels of the same type are considered the same type for the purposes of stacking and only the largest will be used.
2) The scope of the stacking restriction is different depending on rune. For example, a Great Rune of Gripping's scope of effect is on the item it's attached to, but damage enhancement runes affects the entire character. Thus, it's possible to attach a Great Rune of Gripping to two items and in that sense the character can get the benefit of both.

Critical Hit Runes:
   - These runes allow you to get extra critical hits when bashing.
     Level 50 persons get critical hits about 1.6% of the time; at level
     65 this rises to 6.4%, and at level 80 it rises to 16.6%.
   - This bonus includes aethership bashing.

   Rune of Lucky Strike:          200 credits - An extra 2/100 criticals
   Rune of Prodigious Prowess:    600 credits - An extra 4/100 criticals
   Rune of Knight's Excellence:   1200 credits - An extra 6/100 criticals

Stat Runes
   Lesser Rune of Fitness:        125 credits (1/11 to max health)
   Great Rune of Fitness:         250 credits (3/12 to max health)
   Superior Rune of Fitness:      500 credits (5/13 to max health)

   Lesser Rune of the Mind:       125 credits (1/11 to max mana)
   Great Rune of the Mind:        250 credits (3/12 to max mana)
   Superior Rune of the Mind:     500 credits (5/13 to max mana)

   Lesser Rune of Beauty:         125 credits (1/11 to max ego)
   Great Rune of Beauty:          250 credits (3/12 to max ego)
   Superior Rune of Beauty:       500 credits (5/13 to max ego)

Regeneration Runes
   Lesser Rune of Health Regeneration:    125 credits (1/11 regen)
   Great Rune of Health Regeneration:     250 credits (3/12 regen)
   Superior Rune of Health Regeneration:  500 credits (5/13 regen)

   Lesser Rune of Mana Regeneration:      125 credits (1/11 regen)
   Great Rune of Mana Regeneration:       250 credits (3/12 regen)
   Superior Rune of Mana Regeneration:    500 credits (5/13 regen)

   Lesser Rune of Ego Regeneration:       125 credits (1/11 regen)
   Great Rune of Ego Regeneration:        250 credits (3/12 regen)
   Superior Rune of Ego Regeneration:     500 credits (5/13 regen)

Damage Enhancement Runes: 75, 150 or 300 credits
 - Lesser Runes provide 1/11 damage enhancement of the named type.
 - Great Runes provide 3/12 damage enhancement of the named type.
 - Superior Runes provide 5/13 damage enhancement of the named type.

Damage Resistance Runes: 75, 150 or 300 credits
  - Lesser Runes provide 1/11 damage resistance of the named type.
  - Great Runes provide 3/12 damage resistance of the named type.
  - Superior Runes provide 5/13 damage resistance of the named type.

Speed Runes: 500 credits
  - Great Rune of Speed, 1/11 balance recovery
  - Great Rune of Mental Alacrity, 1/11 equilibrium recovery

Great Rune of the Master Armourer: 500 credits
  - This rune may be attached to any piece of forged armour, great robes, or splendour robes in order to add enhancement slots.
  - Multiples of this rune may be applied to a given piece of armour.
  - Up to three enhancement slots may be added to a piece of armour using these runes.
  - Each rune attached to a piece of armour increases available slots by one.

Great Rune of Absorption: 500 credits
  - Imbues you with a 15% chance of absorbing all physical damage.
  - Only one will ever be effective per person (i.e., does not stack).

Great Rune of Mind Shield: 200 credits
  - Halves the ego burnout time! 
  - Halves the debate shattered time!
  - Only one will ever be effective per person (i.e., does not stack).

Great Rune of Resumption: 775 credits
  - Doubles the length of stun and blackout immunity.


Great Rune of the Tobacconist: 50 credits
   - Pipes always stay lit.
   - Adds 10 puffs per herb.
   - Can be smoked underwater.
   - Pipes will never decay.

Lesser Rune of Demesnes: 100 credits
   - Increases the number of nodes you may hold to 4.
   - Only one will ever be effective per person (i.e., does not stack).

Great Rune of Demesnes: 200 credits
   - Increases the number of nodes you may hold to 5.
   - Only one will ever be effective per person (i.e., does not stack).
   - Upgradeable from the Lesser Rune (but does not stack with lesser rune).

Lesser Rune of Dominion: 250 credits
  - Increases maximum ally/enemy list size +20
  - Runes of Dominion do not stack

Greater Rune of Dominion: 500 credits
  - Upgrade from Lesser Rune of Dominion
  - Increases maximum ally/enemy list size +40
  - Runes of Dominion do not stack

Card of Pluripotent Possibilities: 75 credits
   - Requires the Tarot skill.
   - An infinite-use tarot card, which can be tuned to a particular image once
     per month.
   - TOUCH <card> [<image>] to set or view current.

Small Beaker of Chemantic Compounds: 50 credits
  - Fills with 25 pieces of amorphous essence every month, allowing you to
transmute your own reagents/saps without searching for commodities.
  - Upgradeable to large beaker
Medium Beaker of Chemantic Compounds: 100 credits
  - Fills with 60 pieces of amorphous essence every month, allowing you to
transmute your own reagents/saps without searching for commodities.
  - Upgradeable to enormous beaker
Enormous Beaker of Chemantic Compounds: 200 credits
  - Fills with 150 pieces of amorphous essence every month, allowing you
to transmute your own reagents/saps without searching for commodities.

Obsidian runestone: 75 credits
   - An infinite-use runestone, which can be tuned to a particular rune once per
   - TOUCH <stone> [<rune type>] to set or view type.
   - Cannot currently be fused.

Throbbing Mote: 75 credits
   - An infinite-use Dreamweaving mote, which can be tuned to a particular power
     once per month.
   - TOUCH <mote> [<power>] to set or view power.
   - Cannot currently be embedded.

Great Rune of Enchanted Focus: 150 credits
  - Makes focus enchantment never run out.


Bar of Golden Soap: 250 credits
   - SCRUB quickly using balance.

Fan of Storms: 150 credits
   - Create gusts of wind to blow away noxious clouds and fog.
   - To use, WHIRL FAN.

Golden Monocle: 450 credits
   - Diagnose another quickly
   - See all defences on another
   - MONOCLE verb for commands.

Shadow Shroud: 250 credits
   - Gives the shroud ability when worn.

Silver Spiderweb: 150 credits
   - Cover a target in binding webs.
   - To use, POINT SPIDERWEB AT <target>
   - Note: You must RUB your spiderweb initially to activate it.

Timeslip Stop Watch: 300 credits
   - Allows you to TIMESLIP, which mitigates the next attack targetted at you.
   - Your opponent will lose equilibrium briefly.