Horizon Walkers Treasure Hunt
Tessie Snapfuse is hosting another treasure hunt (see Public News #1997) and as this one is slightly different than we usually do, here’s a breakdown of how it works: BASICS: DETAILS: Good luck!
Read MoreAscension of Abraxin
With the Nine Challenges complete, Avechna, the Avenger declared that Ascension begins for Almighty Kethuru could not be held back any longer without the Nine Seals whole. Magnagorans were first to reach the Staff of Ascension, with Warlord Uzriel d’Vanecu, the Sealbearer of Life, to pick it up and pass it on to their chosen…
Read MoreAscension Gala – Afterparty
If you missed the Gala, the Gilded Chateau will remain open until the end of next week. It is located in Toronada Tidal Flats and you can get there fast with a new landmark – GALA. The official party is over but the site has a lot of entertainment to offer for its visitors still.…
Read MoreAscension Adjustments
Last Ascension we added two new mechanics into the mix: Rotating Nodes and Prime Assaults. This year we’re further expanding the mechanics to make the contest more dynamic and challenging. We will be testing all these changes with you from Friday onwards on my test server. What’s here focuses on combat but there is one…
Read MoreChallenge of Beauty 2024
With the sweet return of dreams and the banishment of nightmares still fresh in the minds of the visionaries of the Basin of Life, the artists channelled their skills into capturing the essence of this theme for the Challenge of Beauty. Amazing creations both large and small have been crafted and sent forth for judging.…
Read MoreChallenge of Knowledge 2024
With the Challenge of War settled, the Challenge of Knowledge gathered adventurers from all across the Basin to test their knowledge of many different topics within the Chamber of Knowledge. And what a quiz it was, with ups and downs and tough competition until the end. Qoivhae Vivalde of Celest took an early lead but…
Read MoreChallenge of War 2024
The Basin of Life’s finest combatants assembled within the Klangratch Tournies to decide who was the finest champion and fight over the Medallion of War. Four teams battled it out and left nothing but blood and bodies upon the battlefield. Though the competition for the finals was fierce, one team claimed victory every step of…
Read MoreChallenge of Chaos 2024
Fur flew across the Prime Plane as the Hamster of Chaos manifested, her long cigar streaming smoke across the skies as her smaller, less chaotic brethren invaded the roads of Lusternia. The first to claim the Chaos Hamster was Freja, of Magnagora. Assisted mightily by her city, she evaded capture from all those who would…
Read MoreChallenge of Justice 2024
In a riveting clash of eloquence and intellect, the mortals of the Basin of Life engaged in a fierce contest of egos, vying for supremacy and the title of Sealbearer. Each participant, driven by the unyielding desire to prove their mettle, stood before their peers with words as their weapons and minds as their shields.…
Read MoreChallenge of Life 2024
After proving their mettle in the challenge of the Seal of Nature, a far different challenge was presented with the Seal of Life: adventurers were tasked with the healing of diseased furrikin across the Basin of Life, searching far and wide for their sick patients in need of curing. Though many furrikin possessed the same…
Read MoreSeal of Nature 2024
The nightmares of Panaxra, the Dreamshade have left traces of their corruption all over the Basin of Life and so those who would compete for the Medallion of Nature gathered to dispel the last of Her hold over the waking world. The power of Nature manifested to this generation as a series of corrupt mirrors…
Read MoreBob’s Summer Special
Trader Bob has once again unveiled to the Basin the forgotten vaults of treasures that he has unearthed over the years! Let’s face it, at his prices, he can afford to go around exploring for treasure. The lost treasures contained within are now available for the bearers of his golden keys, available for purchase on…
Read MoreSeal of Death 2024
The formidable Challenge of Death has once again cast its ominous shadow over the citizens of the Basin of Life. From the farthest reaches of the world, warriors converged, each bearing their weapon of choice, their eyes alight with fierce determination. As the sun set upon the battlefield, the once serene lands ran red with…
Read MoreSeal of Harmony 2024
The first trial of this Ascension, the citizens of the Basin once more gathered to see who would claim the Medallion of Harmony. Fourteen challengers and those who would assist them traveled the length and breadth of the First World to spread their influence to as many denizens as they could in the span of…
Read MoreMarch & June Artbard Results
Congratulations to our Artbard participants from March and June! Alas, no submissions in April and May. If you’d like to join them, make sure you get your submissions in by the end of the month. HELP ARTBARD will explain all about what you can submit, and how to do so. March==( Bardic Winner )==Xiran ==( Bardic Runner-up…
Read MoreBeauty Challenge Stats
We’d like to share some interesting Beauty Challenge stats with you. For some of those breakdowns, we can only go back as far as 2015 but we managed to get a few charts that account for the entire run of the challenges too. One of the things that we have heard over the years is…
Read MoreBeauty Submissions – Open
The time has come once again, and We challenge you to submit works worthy of the competition for the Seal of Beauty! Before We get into Our usual review of the submission guidelines, a note: Avechna’s announcement (Public News #1994) must be taken into consideration when creating and contributing to this Challenge of Beauty. How…
Read MoreAscension Challenges and Schedule
As the Nine Seals are threatened, with the Seal of Beauty broken and the others weakened, an Ascension is upon us. The Soulless Kethuru threatens to break out of imprisonment and Avechna, the Avenger has called for the worthy and brave to compete in Seal Challenges to select the Nine that will stand in the…
Read MoreBelated Summer Cornucopia
Better late than never! Marutok took off with it but we finally managed to track down July’s promotion. Aethergoop Jars and Wonder Crates will continue to remain on the website until the end of the month. The first come with aethergoop, coins, and presents, while the latter with wonder crystals and presents. The aethergoop may…
Read MoreThe Custodian and the Dreaming
The night was young, mid-winter of the year 678 after the Coming of Estarra, and the Fellowship of the Roots was discussing the astounding power of the Dreaming – the wonder of dreams that are memories, both good and bad, and the warnings and pain they can bring. They went on like that through the…
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