Beauty Challenge Stats

We’d like to share some interesting Beauty Challenge stats with you. For some of those breakdowns, we can only go back as far as 2015 but we managed to get a few charts that account for the entire run of the challenges too. One of the things that we have heard over the years is…

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Beauty Submissions – Open

The time has come once again, and We challenge you to submit works worthy of the competition for the Seal of Beauty! Before We get into Our usual review of the submission guidelines, a note: Avechna’s announcement (Public News #1994) must be taken into consideration when creating and contributing to this Challenge of Beauty. How…

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March Great Hunt

A trio of adventurers head off into the woods.

It’s been a while! Hunters, stock up on curatives and practice your routes because a Great Hunt is fast approaching. See HELP GREATHUNT for the details. Start: March 11th (Monday), weaveEnd: March 14th (Thursday), weave As there is always some confusion around weave-related timing, I want to clarify that the start is not the weave…

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March Quizzes

An open book against a dark background, light spilling from within

The World Library will be hosting two History Challenges this month and we hope to see everyone there (Public #1984). The scope of the quizzes will be clear and finite, and prizes plentiful. The History Challenges will cover the Histories of Lusternia as available on the website only. We will not venture into Modern History,…

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Anniversary Contest Results

A chicken army rallies for the revolution

There is never a better time to rally for the chicken revolution than the Festival of the Creatrix. And so, each of the chicken generals posed a challenge to the inhabitants of the Basin of Life to see how well they could cope under pressure in the hope of finding a few who could join…

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Horizon Walkers Treasure Hunt

A treasure hunt map

Whether you are an accomplished explorer or only starting out, this upcoming Horizon Walkers treasure hunt is for you. It will focus only on locations in the Basin of Life and will not be as challenging as a Nature Trial would be. Date: 30th June, 11:30pm GMT Rewards: 1st Place – 200 credits + reskinned…

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Death and Harmony Challenges

A battlefield with sword-wielding warriors

Thanks to the enterprising spirit of Korue Dragnet and the desire of Master Quettle to show everyone a better way, we’ll see a Death and Harmony Challenge in May once again. You will also have one more chance at these thematically reskinned artifacts for the winners. Death Challenge21st May, 11pm GMTHarmony Challenge27th May, 11:30pm GMT…

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Anniversary Quiz Results

Chickens host a quiz

As the Festival of the Creatrix neared its end, Duck, the Confused Chicken announced a quiz to test the knowledge of the inhabitants of Lusternia. Promising bounties of seed and grain, Duck rounded up those eager to prove their knowledge. This time around he chose to focus on the intricacies of “upright” modern history and…

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Anniversary Battlechess Results

Black chess pieces against an orange cloud

The grand chicken revolution has been progressing too slowly for Xuck, the Strategic Chicken’s taste. His comrades have been gnawing at the pieces of his chess set rather than practising manoeuvres! So he challenged the organisations of the Basin of Life to step forward and contend for the Chess Board of Libertas. Gaudiguch showed up…

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Treasure Hunt Results

A treasure hunt map

Buck, the Iniquitous Chicken has become the chicken to go to for free items with a treasure hunt attached! This Festival of the Creatrix, he shouted from the top of Avechna’s Peak, asking adventurers throughout the land to come and receive some glittering crystal shards he found near the Transcendental Fulcrux, noting that they gave…

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Great Hunt Results

A group of hunters approaches a mystical beast

The Festival Great Hunt has concluded! Everybody who participated and reached the thresholds outlined in HELP GREATHUNT has received their rewards, and the top ten scorers in each tier have also received bound credits ranging from 50 for the tenth spot to 500 for the first. Listed below are the scores for this hunt’s top…

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Anniversary Chicken Hunt Results

A chicken army rallies for the revolution

Soon after the start of the Festival of the Creatrix, Cluck, the Revolutionary Chicken re-emerges to declare a repeat Revolution of the chickens upon Lusternia. Thousands upon thousands of chickens fluttered their way into the Basin of Life, cluttering the roadways, waterways, forests, and villages with their fluffy forms in an effort to set up…

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July Hamasterhunt

A grey hamster sits in a wooden enclosure.

On July 23rd, 11pm GMT, get ready for a Hamsterhunt! There will be no sharing of hamsters, meaning they will vanish upon being picked up, and PK will be off. Killing and attacking are not permitted but you can hinder competitors in other ways (icewalls, etc.). Top competitors will receive: 1st Place – 200 credits2nd…

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Wargames Challenge – Klangratch Champions Royale

A battlefield with sword-wielding warriors

As per Public post #1935, the League is hosting wargames! First time hearing about the League? Check out Events #35. The event will take place on June 18th at 11pm GMT. The rules are as follows: the challenge will be hosted at Klangratch Tournies the format is wargames (2 teams) teams will be randomised (see…

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March History Quizzes

A collection of very old books sits on a shelf.

What better way to celebrate a month of learning than with a quiz? Better yet, two quizzes! The World Library will be hosting two History Challenges this month and we hope to see everyone there. The scope of the quizzes will be clear and finite, and prizes plentiful. The History Challenges will cover the Histories…

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Haunting Vengeance Results

A stormy sea with crimson-tinged waves

The Haunting brought many to the Haunted House and one eventful night the visitors gathered to compete in a vengeance game tournament. This time, however, they would not play in the setting of the Vernal Wars. They faced something much more recent – the times of the Curse of the Sunken Heart. The populace consisted…

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Anniversary Quiz Results

A picture of a pocketwatch on several old hardback books.

As the Festival of the Creatrix neared its end, Duck, the Confused Chicken announced a test of intelligence for the inhabitants of Lusternia. Taking a sharp turn from the previous quiz, this one focused more on the intricacies of “upright” history. An early lead was quickly established by a pack of four: Afrit, Eritheyl, Jolanthe,…

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Anniversary Battlechess Results

Colourful chess pieces stand on a flat surface

Mid-Dvarsh did the frustrated lamentations of Xuck, the Strategic Chicken reach the Basin at large. The sorrow of his fellow feathered friends eating the pieces of his game rather than placing them drove him to the extreme: requesting the favoured game of the Gods themselves be played by adventurers throughout the Basin. Not seeking to…

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Anniversary Treasure Hunt Results

Life is hard when you’re Buck, the Iniquitous Chicken. Everyone wants you to do something and you just want to sip on your pumpkin spice tea at the Triple Junction Inn. Thankfully there are many adventurers who are more than happy to spread joy in Buck’s stead. Gifting them with little toy harlequins from the…

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Anniversary Great Hunt Results

A pile of gold coins sits upon a table surrounded by trinkets.

The Festival Great Hunt has concluded. Everybody who participated received a number of credits, but the top ten scorers in each tier received bound credits ranging from 50 for the tenth to 500 for the first spot. Listed below are the scores for this hunt’s top scorers. TOP TEN DEMIGOD+ 1 – Ayisdra – 1330002…

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