Martial arts were developed and refined by the kephera and illithoid during the
Undervault Wars, and they were subsequently taught to the upper world people 
in the Basin of Life. Training begins with learning kata, the basic form of 
unarmed combat, and then advances to mastering unique weapons in the various 
specializations, such as the shofa knives used in shofangi. The kephera and 
illithoid also both developed a unique form of psionics called 
psychometabolism, which is the absolute mastery of one's own body. Some monks 
prefer to forego this mental development and study acrobatics instead. The 
kephera taught the monks in the Serenwilde Forest Commune and the City of New 
Celest a form of spiritual communion, called Harmony, while the illithoid 
taught the monks of Magnagora and Glomdoring the secrets of Stealth. Many years later, the secrets of the Zarakido Manuscript were revealed to Gaudiguch and Hallifax.