Descended from the Elder Goddess Rhesileni, the sileni are a race of six-fingered, goat-legged musicians that was nearly destroyed during the Vernal Wars. All perished save for two spirits - Lira and Taimon - who survived the unending hunger of the Soulless God Zenos, and they were secreted away to a glade deep within the Hifarae Hills by the Voice of Trialante.

However, in 475 CoE, a temporal rift broke open from an event that manipulated the Wheel of Goloths, bringing forth a flood of ancient sileni to the present time. These anomalies, though eventually returned, left parting gifts for modern-day adventurers, thus allowing all the brief chance to know what it means to be a sileni.

Languages: Common.


  o Level 1: 1/4 resistance to magical and asphyxiation damage.

  o Level 25: 2/10 ego regeneration

  o Level 50: Due to their musical intonations, sileni were notorious sweet-talkers, able to convince, inspire and seduce anyone they came across as they fled from Zenos. This quality has given them a minor increase in their wordplay, able to speedily influence as needed (faster equilibrium recovery). Sileni with the Music skillset will find that their bardic milestones will persist twice as long.

  o Demigod: Echoes of the Past: You can SING TO YOUR ANCESTORS to set a contingency point. If you are attacked five times in a short period from other adventurers, you will be returned to where you set your contingency instantly. Due to the strain of this power to maintain, it will only last for a few days, and once used, you must recover for a month before it can be used again. Due to not being a native of the race, you are also limited to your contingency activating on the same plane.

  o Demigod+: Echoes of the Past now will work from up to 2 planes away. Ego regeneration is increased to 4/10.