Secrets of Gods in Magnagora by Neela

Merit for December 2022

Secrets of Gods in Magnagora

Found of Over Centuries.

In This Book Do Dwell.

Fear Them Not.

Not All Secrets Harm.

An introduction follows, one that I hope will show my humility. As a follower of Morgfyre, I know it will be taken with a grain of salt. That I can understand secrets known of many of the gods. But They are as we are, personalities, beyond us. But they are individuals, worthy of respect and worship. I sought to examine common tales, I read many books, too many to name really. And sought to write this. A channel towards understanding. A secret that is not immediately obvious about each of the gods of my city. Maybe expanding outwards later, when I talk to more people about their gods.

I will start with a secret of my own god.

Morgfyre was not anything like a Legion, truly. And I know not why people call Him that but for simplicity's sake. He was and is the Legionhead, He is The Legion That Walks. He is not so overcome by those He has consumed, and been victorious over, as to be consumed by them himself. He is a commander. He is a leader. And he cares for his troops.


His secret is that at the End, after all the changes, He remains Himself. He has changed. But He has not accomplished such change that the old Him ceases to exist.

He is hunger unceasing tempered by will and controlled evolution.

The Enchantress. The Artist. The Elegance. Drocilla,

She is not truly Enchanting. Her Elegance arrives from Her nature. Her Ambitions. Her Power, restrained as it is, by the long shadow of a collaring. Any enchantment you feel arrives from yourself, and not Herself. That in and of itself is not a secret.


Her secret, crafty and quick. For all Her ambitions, She is Loyal. She builds up those who give Her loyalty in return. In the end, She will remain at your side.

She is a mirror to your own desires, and like a mirror, She will ever remain in your hands.

Thax, beauteous Zingavium Clad, Lord Thax, The Machine,

He is transcendent, and yet, He is static. He is changed, and yet He is whole. Thax is reclusive, most of what I know comes from lessons of His Lord of Rust, Shango.


His secret is that He is tired. He peers out at the world with crimson eyes of a soul long beholden to Zingavium spikes. And He is tired. And this tiredness is what drives Him. At the end, when He finally can rest. I know not what He shall do. But in that regard, I wonder if He knows. His secret is that He is tired, but never exhausted. He will arrive at the End. And not know He is done. Still fighting, to the last moment. Still tired, but still unexhausted.

He is in perpetual motion. A soul not intended for such things. But adapting, fighting all the same.

Malmyda, Vivisector,

Mother of Plagues. She creates instinctively, she changes intuitively. She pushes boundaries, and does things that no one but Her would ever consider. She is intelligent, and capable of controlling Herself. And in that consideration. In that intelligence of Hers. We come to her secret.


Her Secret is Her Fear. All that She has done is driven by controlled fear. And in that control. In that calm place, she pushes past barriers, to lead the world to places She and many would consider better. Fear of Loss drove her to save lives. Fear of losing still drives her to inspire greater innovations to stave off the End.

She seeks to prevent the end. To prevent all She may fear from becoming true..

Raezon, Forbidden One,

He is hard to find much about. He is a force ever questioning, ever questing, ever seeking to understand. Ever seeking to examine. Most of what I know of him comes from the scant few books I found speaking of him. His works. And so on.


His Secret is that he has one specific fear, that overrides everything else, it doesn't control Him, so much as He is immersed in it. And laid bare, He fears He will arrive at the end, and not have accomplished His understanding. He is desperate to know. To understand. Because the process of understanding has become all He knows.

He seeks to prevent the end, but knows when that end comes, He must understand it.

Before I come to the end, to avoid an insult, I will say that I have saved the best for last. As is proper for any meal.

Fain, Lord of Scorn, the Red Masque.

Leader, politician, Damned fellow. To be blessed by He is to be taken on a trip to a highly competitive island, with a target on your back. He only tolerates the best, he does not accept Rabble. He seeks champions for the Damned.


I know no secret of Fain, that I would write in this book. And I think... Thinking about that, that says plenty of secrets in themselves. But I respect the rules of the masque, and I know He does not tolerate speculation on Himself as the others might. Were He to ask me to think of Him myself? Well, I might just write a book about that.



Researcher of Nil,

Neela Calithel,

a Damned Cog,

in a Great Engine.