A Wyvern Waltz by Lenara

for September 2020

A Wyvern Waltz - by Lenara Lunarose

The night falls upon a dark and silent Gallery of Gullagumbah only to be disturbed by the hurried instruction of a small orchestra conductor as he rushes his troupe in for one last practice before the opening of their newest show. As they all take their places, he utters a stern reminder to treat every rehearsal as if it were a performance for a full house. He raises his arms toward his orchestra, freezing them just above his head and clears his throat.

All eyes are on the conductor as he deftly waves the baton he wields in a slow fluid motion, signaling the violinists to begin. Watching their leader's every move, the string section of the orchestra puts bow to steel as they begin to play a slow, steady waltz.

The remainder of the orchestra soon joins into the steady rhythm. Some of them play to the fullest of their ability while others lazily drone on. "Is that one in the back asleep?", the conductor thinks to himself as a deep frown forms on his lips.

Never impressed with a lackluster performance, the conductor rapidly taps his baton several times against his music stand, eliciting a loud CLANG each time that serves to wake the sleeping musician. With renewed fervor he picks up where he left off, wildly waving his arms in the air in an impassioned arc.

The loud raps of the baton against the metal stand echo out, peals of a bellicose plea for perfection ringing through the air. The passionate vibrations spread throughout the area, as passionate things do, spilling out a good distance from the stage. Out front a stirring begins with the opening of one blood-red eye followed by another.

With a yawn and several long blinks, a majestic golden wyvern with scarlet eyes rises from within the marble archway, a great carving coming to life. Glancing about he instantly recognizes the scent of sweat and hard work coming from the performance area. Invigorated, he turns to his counterpart and extends a long tail to run it gently along his partner's side, ending in a stiff poke directly to the ribs.

A grumpy huff rises from a second majestic golden wyvern as he rubs his side and scans the room with his ivory-colored eyes looking for his assailant. As his gaze falls upon his scarlet-eyed twin a low growl erupts from his chest, toeing the line between aggressive and playful. Suddenly, his attention is caught by the scent of devotion and love coming from the performance area. His head swivels to face that direction and his tail sways to the music.

Eyes alight with chaotic mischief, the golden wyvern with scarlet eyes turns his head toward the performance area. Without looking, he drapes one clawed wing over his partner and pulls him closer. Their bodies naturally shift to face each other but their eyes remain locked on the orchestra and their tails swaying to the rhythm.

Still not fully awake, the golden wyvern with ivory eyes leans against his partner, gratefully letting him take the lead. As they begin the slow graceful box steps of a waltz their tails curl together in the air. Dull shades of scarlet and ivory emanate from them, barely noticeable under the lights of the theater.

In the performance area, the conductor's energy flows from him in waves of saffron that wash over his troupe. The music grows louder and more confident, encouraging their leader. As he leans dramatically from one side to the other, his arms soaring through the air, he notices movement in the far corner of his eye. Without stopping his command of the orchestra, he turns his head toward the archway. And there they are - two waltzing wyverns awash in shades of scarlet and ivory. "Oh dear!", he thinks to himself. "Are they working up... an appetite?"

Determined not to let the performance falter until his death is certain, the conductor attempts to remain calm as his gaze returns to his orchestra. Even as sweat drips down his brow he channels his anxiety and lets it flow through his baton. The pace of the music begins to grow faster and faster.

Now finally fully awake, one golden wyvern lifts his ivory eyes to the heavens and allows himself to be swept up into the dance. As the pace of the music quickens, so too do the steps of the waltz. The golden wyvern with scarlet eyes pushes away his partner, extending his wing to hook its claw into the other's before pulling him back in with a grand twirl. Around the room and ever closer to the performance area, the waltz evolves into something greater. Swirls of bright scarlet and pale ivory come together, radiating from their bodies and growing more and more vibrant with each movement until the entire area is aglow with a coppery light.

Noticing the pair of enormous wyverns tangoing closer and closer, the conductor grows more frenzied, leaping through the air and slashing his baton wildly as sprays of saffron light ride on the air currents created by the movements. In one of his leaps he notices that he has yet again lost the attention of one particular flautist in the back section. "How can they sleep at such a moment as this?!" Faster and fater the musicians play at their leader's behest, their arms growing tired and bowstrings growing thin. And still the wyverns approach.

The music plays on as the entangled wyverns twirl and leap about the room without a care in the world. As the crescendo is reached the golden wyvern with scarlet eyes lowers his partner into an elegant dip, supporting the weight on one massive wing. In his upside-down vision of the world, the golden wyvern locks his ivory eyes on the conductor who is now only a few feet away. He quickly scrambles to his feet, unceremoniously pushing away from his counterpart and nudging him to look in the direction of the troupe.

Reminiscent of a standoff without the weapons, the pair of golden wyverns and a small but fierce conductor eye each other in turn. The scarlet-eyed wyvern does his best to look intimidating while is ivory-eyed partner attempts to convey a sense of kindness. The conductor does his best to look unappetizing. Behind his back he motions to his orchestra to make a hasty retreat out the back door.

As his eyes rake over the diminutive man, the golden wyvern with scarlet eyes considers which attack would leave the most meat to enjoy. A vibrant shade of red radiates from his hide, betraying his thoughts to those who understand its meaning. Also watching the conductor and impressed with his dedication, the golden wyvern with ivory eyes considers how to bring him into the fold of worship. A warm yellow-white hue radiates from him and mixes with the red hanging in the air. The coppor color created bathes the entire location even more brightly than before.

Glancing at his partner with stern but pleading eyes, the golden wyvern with ivory eyes turns to the conductor fully and makes a sweeping gesture around the room followed by a formal bow as if to thank him. A stiff frown forms on the scarlet-eyed wyvern's face accompanied by a defeated huff before also bows in thanks.

As he rises from his bow the golden wyvern with scarlet eyes hears a loud snore from the back corner of the performance area. His gaze lands upon a sleeping musician. A look of both joy and disgust flashes across his face as he quickly approaches and swallows the slothful man in one bite. His counterpart rolls his ivory eyes as a grin forms upon his scaled lips. The two join hands and return to their archway, once again melding into the marble and becoming as still as statues. 

The conductor, amazed at his survival and filled with new, wonderful ideas rushes off to compose and create.