The Last of the Mysterious Doors

The City of Hallifax rang with warnings of the Code Black anomaly that had manifested in the Centre for Aeromantic Engineering in the form of a strange door. For many months, the Aeromancers collected cloudy essence in an effort to stabilise the temporal anomaly. In the end, the entire city scoured the planes for essence…
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That Which Lies Beneath

Worker’s hammers pounded beneath the City of Gaudiguch as the Grand Cipher, Dys Mzithrei was seen speaking with Mysrai, the Thousand Hands before the Lava Falls. Robed figures slipped to and from the Living Heart of the Eternal Flame in the wake of this conversation, moving with a strange purpose. The Illuminati spoke little of…
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The Opening of the Hartstone Door

Following the release of the mysterious door in the Aquamancers Guild, the Druids of the Hartstone focused their efforts on the temporal doorway that appeared in their sacred glade. After many months of effort by Saran, Hiriako, Qistrel and others, they were finally able to open the rift which led to a small grove. Strangely…
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The Retreat of the Time Dame

A loud keening rose up from the Southern Mountains, followed by a loud explosion. A fountain of rock and debris shot up from the middle of the mountain range as the Wheel of the Goloths wobbled up into the air and hovered over the Basin of Life. However, the Wheel was damaged, letting loose erratic…
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Lars Legrand’s Trouble with Rocs

From a familiar farm in Delport, Lars Legrand began a journey that would lead him to trouble. Percy Legrand welcomed her cousin to her farm only to discover that Lars had tired of his life working in the mill and had made the decision to start his own farm. Knowing his cousin, Percy, to be…
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The Aquamancer’s Doorway

Countless months of effort were poured into the strange temporal doorway that appeared in the Spire of Aquamancy in New Celest. Telperion, Gracia, Tridemon, Neos, Alondal, Yaffi, Lorina and other Aquamancers worked tirelessly in the effort, ultimately succeeding in anchoring the doorway to the present era. With their tutor Manchal, they pressed through the opening…
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The Death of the Wyrden Glory

Descending into the Glomdoring Forest, Xynthin, the Ascended God of Life and the Wyrden Glory, came to fulfill his promise. “It is time,” He murmured, and tore apart Brennan Stormcrow, the undead guardian of the Master Ravenwood. Many of the Glomdoring stood awestruck as the God claimed the heart of the druid before departing. The…
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The Tale of Xynthin, Wyrden Glory

Unveiled, the Ascended God Xynthin began to answer questions as quickly as He could, ever keeping His perceptions outwards, cautiously searching. Shocked silence and stunned faces looked upon Him, though as His tail unwound, Ragniliff and Xenthos began to realize and piece together more and more. And so the sad story of Xynthin was told.…
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The God Unveiled

For months the Veiled God lurked in the shadows of the Glomdoring, speaking with those who dwelled within. Though they pressed Him for detail, questions were oft answered with questions of His own, and topics shifted so readily that many began to realize they knew nothing about Him. Speculation ranged as to His true identity…
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And The Wheel Spins

Time and time again Stepasha’s undead stormed the Basin of Life, claiming sections of land rife with energy, particularly those of a darker nature, and drawing them out. Krangar, Guardian of Destruction lead charge after charge into the Grey Moors, Shallach, Hifarae Hills, Skarch and other places. With time, their numbers grew, and many came…
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