Descended from the Elder Goddess Igaso, the igasho are by far the largest of the mortal races. They tend to be solitary wanderers, though their personality is generally jovial and good-natured. Their thick fur and hide allows them protection against the harshest of weather, and igasho native to arctic regions have long, white fur. Most igasho prefer forests and open ranges rather than prolonged confinement in cities. Slow to anger, when roused, an igasho makes a ferocious fighter as they are extremely strong and hardy. 

Language: Common, Igasho


  o  Level 1: 2/4 resistance to cold damage.

  o  Level 25: Igasho gain the ability SCALE naturally. If they have SCALE in 
     environment as well, they may do so at half balance cost.

  o  Level 50: Igasho gain a natural bonus to their warmth stat.
     Igasho with the Blademaster specialisation can use one handed swords more 
     effectively than any other race, both for damage and speed.

  o  Demigod: Trait: Ability: CARRY. Using their sheer size and strength, an 
     Igasho will unceremoniously pick up their target and walk out of the room 
     with them. Example CARRY ESTARRA WEST. This ability cannot be used more 
     than once every 10 seconds.
  o  Demigod+: Improved Ability: Carry now ignores the target's movement
     resistance. Anyone blocking in the direction the Igasho is headed is knocked
     prone. Also, for 10 power an Igasho can break past powerful barriers like a
     great pentagram, or smash through any walls: CARRY ESTARRA WEST UNSTOPPABLE.