So what is a potent pot of poteen? It's an evil drink that the leprechauns have concocted which is extremely alcoholic! It's also magical in nature, whereby after drinking you can BURP and BELCH (up to 3x) which brings up a real, live critter! The type of critter is random, though some critters only appear to people of certain organizations. They only last for 60 (RL) minutes before disappearing. You can drink from the pot once per game month. Directions are written on the bottom of the pot of poteen (READ POT). NOTE: THERE IS A CHANCE YOU'LL RECEIVE AETHERGOOP CRAFTABLES INSTEAD OF A CRITTER!

Possible Burpable Pet friends:
- a playful desert fennec fox
- a curious young kitten
- a sapphiric skylark
- a hamster in a cage-wheel
- a snappy alligator hatchling
- a speckled hedgehog
- a dusky brocade moth
- a frisky puppy
- a blubbery sea lion pup
- a green parakeet

(*) It should be noted that the critters have little to no value in combat, except perhaps offering their moral support.

There is also a blessing for each pot used. The blessings are random but could be one of the following:
- a 50% experience boost
- increased critical hits
- increased karma gain
- increased divine offerings
- increased health
- increased mana
- increased ego
- increased gold drops
- bonus lessons