As you venture forth into the Wasteland, you earn reputation with the Horizon Walkers guild for certain things. At certain thresholds, this reputation conveys different rewards.

You can track your reputation using the REPUTATION command (alternatively: REP or ORGREP).

The reputation tier system operates in a manner similar to the Artbard system. There are three tiers of reputation:

Explorer of the Wastes
Hunter of the Lost Lands
Grandmaster of Kethuru's Embrace

Once you have completed all of these ranks, you cycle around again, prefixing a descriptor onto the title for each cycle. The cycles are:


So, for example, if you are on the second tier of your third cycle, you would be an Illustrious Hunter of the Lost Lands.

Currently, the rewards are as follows:

When you reach the Renowned cycle, you will gain access to the Horizon Walkers' shop. This can be accessed by knocking on the southern door within the centre of the guildhall.

When you reach the Illustrious cycle, you will gain access to the Horizon Walkers' lounge. This can be accessed by knocking on the western door within the Horizon Walkers' shop.

When you reach the Immortal cycle, you will gain access to the Horizon Walkers' trophy room. This can be accessed by knocking on the eastern door within the Horizon Walkers' shop.

Note that none of these rooms count towards the explorer rankings, nor are they accessible in any other way. Should you find yourself in one of them somehow, you will be summarily thrown out by the guards.