Information about Lerad from Lusternia

Name: Lerad
Full name: Lerad, the Wyrden Phantom
Name: Lerad
Level: 100
Race: A fiendish viscanti wyrden vernal demigod
Faction: Glomdoring
City: Glomdoring
Guild: Swarm
Description: He is a fiendish viscanti wyrden vernal demigod and appears to have vines and bark instead of skin. The dark maroon of the vines that wreathe around his form pulse with the energies of the Wyrd, blending with the shadows and blurring his silhoutte. He stands around seven feet tall, his lean and compact form muscled and wiry. He is entirely bald of hair as far as is visible, though his skull appears to be slightly larger than that of an average human's head. His eyes are pure white and pupil-less. Set against the dark maroon of the bark and vines that cover his body, his unblinking eyes appear almost to be glowing, giving the impression of an intense glare. He moves with an elastic, explosive energy, his actions compact and efficient, and with the graceful, flowing poise of an experienced warrior.
Kills: 477
Deaths: 437
Explorerrank: A Valleyrunner