Information about Tirah from Lusternia

Name: Tirah
Full name: K'ahe'mor Tirah Mzithrei, of the Haze-Wreathed Ebon
Name: Tirah
Level: 150
Race: A fierce dracnari defiant vernal ascendant
Faction: Glomdoring
City: Glomdoring
Guild: Auguries
Description: While on the shorter end of their race at not quite five feet tall and slightly human looking they are a fierce dracnari defiant vernal ascendant. Their pale skin is covered in inky, iridescent scales below their waist, on their arms and along their back, with a few sprinkled across their chest, shoulders and cheeks. A pair of large, forward pointed horns grows from their skull, right about their elongated, elfin ears, matching the darkness of their scales and giving them a menacing appearance. Loosely falling over their forehead and the sides of their head, their jet-black locks have been arranged in a thick braid reaching down to their lower back. The androgynous features of their heart-shaped face soften as long, dark lashes frame luminous, crimson vertically slit eyes, which lead to a small, slightly upturned nose above a wide mouth filled with many sharp, pointed teeth and an impressive set of fangs. They strike a generally athletic, lean figure, with little in the way of curves save for their noticeable hips and possess a long, whip-like tail, entirely covered in scales. Their slender arms and strong, plantigrade legs end in dainty extremities tipped with sharp, obsidian claws.
Kills: 187
Deaths: 181
Explorerrank: A Voyager to the Beyond