6.7.2 Vote Weight

In referendums everyone has 1 vote. However, this is not the case for elections.

For guild, city, commune, clan, and cartel elections, vote weight is determined by a person's average activity level. The more time that person spends, on average, in the realm, the more votes they have in an election. Your current vote weight can be seen in your STATUS, and ranges from 1 vote to 10 votes. Please note that vote weight does not accrue while a person is in an aethermanse.

For great family elections, the number of votes is determined by generation - up to the third generation (after which everyone's number of votes is the same). Founders also have slightly more  votes than other family progenitors.

For the Gamewide Envoy System (see HELP ENVOYS), we require a vote weight of at least 5 to participate. This is to ensure you are up to date with the latest mechanics and are familiar with them prior to submitting or voting on reports.