Alchemy is the process of creating new substances via the amalgamation of other (mostly plant-based) ingredients. Alchemy focuses mostly on the production of curative potions, but also may produce a few other useful items.

* Most potions created by alchemists are curative in some capacity. Potions must be stored in vials or the liquid rift, and are used by drinking them via the <SIP|DRINK> <vial|potion> command.

o Health - Sipping a health potion will restore health. It can also be applied to the body to cure wounds.

o Mana - Sipping a mana potion will restore mana.

o Bromide - Sipping a bromides potion will restore ego.

o Lucidity Slush - Sipping slush will cool the brain and cure any mental illnesses you might have acquired.

o Quicksilver - Sipping quicksilver will provide a speed defense, increasing the ability to dodge attacks and resisting the aeon curse.

o Love - Sipping a love potion compels the user to fall in love with others in their location, as well as causing others to fall in love with them. Sipping it again will cure being compelled.

o Allheale - Sipping allheale will cure nearly any affliction. However, it may not be used often.

* Salves are similar to potions, in that they are generally curative. However, they must instead be applied to the body using the command APPLY <vial/salve> [TO <body part>].

o Restorative Ice - This icy salve of blended herbs will soothe physical ailments, such as burns, broken bones and organ injuries.

o Salt - Alchemically-enhanced salt can be sprinkled around a target, forming a magical shield.

o Sulfur - Alchemically-enhanced sulfur can be sprinkled at a target, negating magical shields.

o Reagents - Alchemists can create special reagents for beastmasters, allowing the boosting of a beast's body, mind, or spirit.

o Antidote - Tailors can use this general antidote to create a knot that enhances protection against Poison damage. See HELP TAILORING ITEMS. 

o Miniatures - By dipping a miniature in quicksilver, alchemists can increase their attack speed. See HELP MINIATURE BATTLES.