This section is here to give guidance on how to write a good envoy report, what the administration look for and the considerations you should take into place when suggesting solutions.

1) The Problem

The reporting system exists for players to get changes or fixes for problems that they have. The first step to writing a good report is making sure you have a problem that you can clearly and concisely define. In order to do this, there are some steps you should take prior even beginning your report.

     a) Perform extensive testing of the mechanics.
     b) Discuss and test with other knowledgeable players.
        - Especially others that use the mechanic.
        - Not just your friends/allies!
     c) Test the mechanics some more in various situations.
     d) Issue yourself to determine exact formulas if needed.
     e) Test again! (see the theme?)

Once you have tested sufficiently and are sure there is a problem, write it in a clear and concise manner, presenting all specific facts and data. It should be easy to follow. Show it to others and make sure they can easily understand it.

2) The Solutions

Some questions to consider when writing a solution.

     a) Does it fix the problem you described?
     b) Does it affect other players/mechanics outside the problem?
        - If yes - how does this affect those mechanics?
     c) Do other players, especially those that use the skill, agree with my solutions?
        - If you don't know, talk to them!

Your solution should fix the problem you stated and should again, be clear and concisely presented, again with the specific details you want to change. Again, share it with others to ensure it's easy to follow and understand.

Additionally - your solutions should be directly related to the skillset and the title of your report. If you suggest solutions that do not relate to the skillset or title of the report, your report will be rejected out of hand. It is misleading to say the report is about one thing but then suggest solutions that are completely different.

3) Considerations

These are just a few things to think about when writing a report.

    a) Changes that are simpler and easier to implement are more likely to get approved.
      - This isn't to say you shouldn't propose complex reports, just that our time is limited and the time required to implement something maybe something we are not willing to take on. Typically, it's a time vs reward consideration. How large and widespread is the effect being proposed vs the time it takes to implement. A wide-spread, far-reaching complex change will likely get more consideration than a complex change that only affects a small group.

     b) Player support is important.
       - If the people who are using the mechanic agree that it should be changed, it'll be more likely to pass
       - This is especially true if you are reporting skills/mechanics that you fight against. Support from the players using the skill will help it pass much more than just your fellow allies/friends.

    c) Keep it simple!
      - Don't try to do more than one fix per report. Fix a specific problem in a report. Don't try to make a bunch of changes all at once.
      - Incremental Changes are much more likely to get approved than vast overhauls.

    d) Proofread your report!
       - Taking the time to proofread your report shows that you've spent time and effort coming up with good solutions and it is not a hastily thrown up report.