From time to time, we set up a mirror image of the game on an experimental server. This is to isolate and test major features to some of the underlying framework that runs Lusternia. Basically, we copy the entire game to a test server and invite people to try and break things there. Once the test session is complete, all data is wiped and you return to normal life in Lusternia. They are completely isolated and things that happen on the test server remain there (and are summarily wiped at the end of the test). So, if a test is announced, feel free to partake, generally it's a free for all there are little to no rules, but cooperation with the test is expected.


  1) Only use the test server when invited to do so.

  2) There are no admins watching, so please, behave. Anything that happens during the test is NOT a valid reason to take retribution back in Lusternia proper.

  3) Any changes that take place during the test will be erased when the copy is discarded. Nothing will transfer back to Lusternia.

  4) The test server is generally a much slower machine, so there may be lag.

  5) The test server has a player capacity limit, do not swarm it.

  6) If you need to adjust your class or otherwise engage in more heavy testing, see TEST in-game.

  7) The data/player files/etc is a copy and may be slightly out of date. 

  8) Some things might be missing from the test server, like progs, help files, book data, changelogs, etc.

Login information:

Uilani's Test Server
Address: monolith.ndguarino.com
Port:    7890

Testing information:

You can use the TEST syntax on the test server to quickly adjust a variety of options needed for testing. For instance, change classes, organisations, make yourself a demigod, etc.