There are special options to handling enemies available to cities, 
communes, guilds, orders, and clans. Guilds that can handle enemying to
associated organizations (such as Nightspirit for Shadowdancers) can also 
use these commands to manage enemying and unenemying to those organizations.

o You can record comments about an enemying, which the enemy can't see
  but your organization leaders can.
  Syntax: DIPLOMACY <org> NOTE <person> <text>

o You can record notes about an enemying which the enemy can see (and
  so can your organization leaders).
  Syntax: DIPLOMACY <org> COMMENT <person> <text>

o Whenever someone is enemied from here on, the date, reason, and
  person who did it (if any) will be recorded, and can be reviewed by
  the enemy, or organization leaders.  

o When you enemy someone, the reason you provide for your logs will
  also be shown to the enemy.

o You can set a number of months until an enemying will automatically
  expire. Setting this to 0 will make the enemying permanent again.
  Syntax: DIPLOMACY <org> EXPIRE <person> <months>

o You can set a number of months of temporary amnesty during which the
  enemyship will not be in effect. Setting this to 0 will cancel the
  amnesty early.
  Syntax: DIPLOMACY <org> AMNESTY <person> <months>

o You can set a fine, and the enemy can pay this fine to automatically
  be unenemied. Set it to 0 to remove the fine so they can only be
  unenemied by organization leaders.
  Syntax: DIPLOMACY <org> FINE <person> <gold>
  Note: you must do this standing in your bank. Fines will be
  deposited into the organizational account in that bank, or in the
  case of cities and communes, in the Steward's ministry account.

o Note that if a person does something that would automatically enemy
  them, such as kill a loyal denizen, any EXPIRE or AMNESTY months, or
  any FINE set, will automatically be cancelled.

o To review the full details of a person's enemying:
  Syntax: DIPLOMACY <org> <person>

o To review the full details of your own enemying to an organization:
  Syntax: DIPLOMACY <org>
  You must be in the Hall of Records to do this.

o To pay a fine to be unenemied to an organization:
  Syntax: DIPLOMACY <org> PAY FINE
  You must be in the Hall of Records to do this, with gold in hand.