Mysterious artifacts that give a hint into the life of an ancient race. The current racial curios are the Sileni and Nagasith collections. The Sileni and Nagasith collections include the following:
+ A curio which grants lore visions regarding the history of these two races.
+ A curio mask granting the appearance of these races.
+ A curio teleportation leading you to the home area of each race (Hifarae for Sileni, Muhanlesh for Nagasith).
+ A curio which you can CURIO ACTIVATE to gain a special mask for your tells. (This can be disabled by activating it again).

As well, the full collection can be activated to grant you the race for an in-game year. As your link to the race will be tenuous, this cannot be kept up for longer, though you can refresh it after the aforementioned year at will. You can read more about these races using HELP SILENI and HELP NAGASITH.