4.12.1 Guises

Guises are items that can change how you appear to other players. You can access them using the GUISE syntax.

GUISE LIST*          will list potential guises you can use.
GUISE SHOW <guise>   will show you what you'll look like
GUISE SELECT <guise> will select a guise to use
GUISE SAY            will let you say things under your current guise.
GUISE EMOTE          will let you emote things under your current guise.
                     Note: To use custom emotes, you'll need to GUISE EMOTE EMOTE <custom>

Some guises require you to be a certain player or a member of an organization in order to use it. If you do not meet the requirements, you will be unable to appear or use that guise.

Setting your guise to NONE (GUISE SELECT NONE) will allow you to not have a guise up while wearing one. It will also not allow you to SAY or EMOTE under any guise.

*A? is your current active guise.