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Constable Cases: The Chortling Cherubs by Uzriel

Winner for June 2021

SCENE 1: The Courtyard of Presidio of the Damned

The theater darkens to the deepest pitch of night, as your senses adjust you note the howling gale of the wind, the creaking scraping of branches caught in the gale, and the intoxicating fragrance of cherry blossoms that fills the air. Slowly torches are lit to reveal the courtyard of the Presidio of the Damned, deserted and bathed in the pre-dawn darkness.

The gale silences as a figure approaches the stage, a stocky orclach clad in the armor of a fresh ur'Guard recruit, his voice breaks the silence as narrates, "I guess it all really started that night in the Presidio. I was just a fresh recruit on my first assignment. Most thought it was prestigious to be sent to the Presidio, I didn't much care for that. A bunch of hoity-toity nobles who will stab you in the back but no real fighting. Even still I couldn't sleep."

A sharp whistle announces the presence of a second figure standing contemplatively, her tall form shapely and clad in a slinky dress while an ivory mask conceals her face. The orclach startles in clear surprise, nearly fumbling his weapon as he approaches.

Laughter ringing through her voice, Lady Amaranth says, "My my, did I startle the handsome young conscript?"

Lady Amaranth pulls out a cigarette and holds it up expectantly, a coy little smile curving her scarlet-painted lips. "And so very dedicated! Most of your other little... friends must be deep into their cups by now." She wiggles her fingertips expressively, her tone playfully mocking.

Recovering his composure as he straightens out, Conscript Conrad says, "Ma'am." There is a pause as he openly studies the woman, clearly noble and rather beautiful. He coughs, quickly lowering his stare and fumbles in his pocket. Taking a few steps closer he obediently lights the woman's cigarette. "I'm not interrupting anything am I?"

Straightening, Lady Amaranth takes a deep drag from the cigarette, eyeing the young man with amusement as she exhales in a slow stream of smoke, the wisps swirling lazily in his direction.

With a sultry little laugh, Lady Amaranth says, "Well as it happens, yes! You very nearly caught me in a most scandalous tryst." Her eyes gleam behind the mask as she gives an exaggerated, dramatic sigh. "And worse still, you seem to have scared him off. Now whatever shall I do?"

Conscript Conrad gives a low rumbling chuckle, the sound perhaps a tinge nervous as the lady gives him a suggestive smile. He straightens his jacket before thrusting his hands in his pockets.

With a wry smile, Conscript Conrad says, "I somehow think you'll manage, Ma'am." He coughs and looks away, gaze roaming around the courtyard. "The love affairs of the nobles don't interest me any, he adds at last, a little gruffly. "I imagine that sort of thing is about all to be found around here. But, he glances her way curiously, "I would think you'd find a more private place for your trysts, well, unless you wanted to be caught, Lady...?"

Lady Amaranth smiles a sly, sultry sort of smile and dips into a courtly curtsey, her head dipping elegantly and showing off the amaranth blossom nestled in her dark tresses.

Still with a sly smile and mellifluous tone, Lady Amaranth says, "You may call me the Lady Amaranth." She carefully pats her hair, ensuring her coif is still perfectly arranged. "And you should know, scandal is the spice of courtly life."

Continuing, Lady Amaranth says, "You will find far more danger here than meets the eye, young conscript," she admonishes lightly. "Left alone with the wrong one of us...well, we may just flay you alive! Or worse." She glances off into the distance, lowering her voice some. "And just beyond these walls, the white priestess and her coterie bide their time."

A scuttling movement across the floor betrays a third person present, the figure is the size of a child or a furrikin and its clothes are far too big, dragging across the floor as it tries discretely to move across the courtyard hauling a large sack.

Clearly unimpressed, a hand coming to rest on the pommel of his sword, Conscript Conrad says, "By Urlach's horn, I think I can handle a few fancy nobles, Lady Amaranth." His voice is filled with confidence and he scoffs lightly, before adding, "and the priestesses of Shallamurine, they just keep to themselves worshipping an era long dead and forgotten. Hardly a concern."

Lady Amaranth approaches the conscript with the serpentine grace of a natural predator, drawing close enough to rest one hand against his shoulder, while the other slips to his wrist, two fingers deftly finding the skin beneath his cuff.

With a husky little laugh, voice lowered, Lady Amaranth says, "Oh my, you're so green you're still -alive-, still with a pulse and all, bless your cotton socks." She pauses, glancing up at the conscript and murmuring. "Just the way I like it. Do not completely discount what you don't know or understand, dear boy. Speaking of," her tone changes, silky and tempting as she lightly pouts. "They did not teach you the niceties of how to greet a lady, you rude creature. You ought to have kissed my hand and introduced yourself properly."

The mysterious figure is backing up away from the speaking Lady and Orclach, not watching where it is going it stumbles back into a well, dropping its bag onto the floor as it falls backwards and over into the well with a splash.

Shifting his gaze from the woman at the sound, Conscript Conrad scans the courtyard, but the figure is still within the well and so he returns his focus to the Lady with a sheepish smile. "Of course Lady Amaranth."

Deftly removing her hand from his wrist, Conscript Conrad says, "Conscript Conrad, fresh out of basic training and newly assigned to the Presidio, at your service." He bends like a proper courtier over her hand, gallantly kissing it, before straightening. His voice takes on a light teasing note, similar to her own. "And since you seem to know so much, why don't you tell me all about the dangers that I might find here hmm?"

The figure in the background drags itself out of the well, bedraggled and soaking wet as the winds pick up again, trees straining against the buffeting gale that causes the branches to smack the figure as it tries to regain its composure upon the well's lip. The force strong enough to knock the figure off of its precarious position and onto its rear end upon the floor.

As the wind whips around her gown, Lady Amaranth draws her hand back and gently adjusts her ivory mask back into place, the bell charms around her bracelet tinkling merrily against the onslaught of the sudden breeze.

Continuing in the same playful tone, Lady Amaranth says, "Discounting lovely and deadly nobles such as myself, even the cherry trees of the courtyard hold their surprises." She grins at Conrad, the expression somewhat sly. "The aphids that live in them may be small, but their venoms are painful. They may not kill you, but they can easily work their way under the clothes and armor and cause all manner of...trouble."

Almost as if on cue several aphids drop from the disturbed cherry trees, falling directly upon the cloaked figure who lifts a hand to cover its mouth to hold off a scream of pain as the bugs bite and scurry beneath the voluminous folds of its robes. The figure begins scratching and slapping at itself haphazardly as it tries to rid itself of the pests.

Smirking, Conscript Conrad says, "Really? You are going to try and scare me with tales of bugs in my underwear? If you wanted to get me out of my armor, I would have expected something far more clever from the likes of you, Lady Amaranth."

Waving a hand dismissively, Lady Amaranth says, "Such a typical male, always so impatient, and unsubtle. The game is half the fun, and patience cannot be understated, one must ease into it." She glances at the sky. "At this time of the night, the nighthawks are still out. Such beautiful and elegant birds of prey, but their talons are deadly sharp."

It is almost prophetic how the lone cry of a nighthawk pierces the night before it emerges to swoop down at the cloaked figure. Its sharp claws tear into flesh and sends the figure running away from it. The cry is answered by two more who, acting in unison swoop from the opposite side to rake the figure with their claws. As its cloak is torn off the figure is revealed to be a stone-faced cherub with plump features. Unable to escape the birds of prey the cherub ducks down and cowers covering its head against their onslaught. Both Conrad and Lady Amaranth remain casual in their conversation, neither seemingly noticing a thing.

Shaking his head in apparent confusion, Conscript Conrad says, "From bugs to birds? That is hardly fearsome if you ask me. It is as if you say easing into it is first kissing your hand, and next you will ask me to kiss your cheek."

Amused by the response Lady Amaranth says, "Tch, what a presumptuous Orclach you are! You have hardly earned such a reward as that yet. You would need to impress me more than just by virtue of being the only male awake." She smiles dryly, gesturing at the quiet courtyard with one elegant hand.

Dryly, Lady Amaranth says, "Maybe instead you will find more satisfaction if you venture into the caverns below, the undead aberrants are all quite mad, aggressive and impatient, not that they usually come out from their little hole."

Unfailingly, as if summoned by its name, an aberrant stumbles into view of the courtyard, its malicious blue eyes focusing on none other than the cowering cherub, bounding directly towards it. The cherub is unable to stay silent any longer and cries out with a loud squeaking "MEEP." It quickly rushes towards its burlap sack and hefts it up over its back, running away as fast as its little legs can carry it.

Both Lady Amaranth and Conscript Conrad turn from their conversation towards the cherub in startled surprise, the Lady's hand moving to touch her throat in disdain. Conrad gives a curt but respectful nod to her as he says politely, "Ma'am", then bounds off towards the aberrant, drawing his two-handed bastard sword and slicing it cleanly through the creature's neck in one swift stroke, not breaking stride as he rushes off after the cherub.

The stage darkens as Conrad rushes off-screen, lit only by the glow of Lady Amaranth's cigarette until that too is concealed by the closing curtains. After a moment of time filled with the sound of scenery being changed backstage, the curtains part to reveal the blasted lands.


SCENE 2: The Blasted Lands

The cherub is dashing across the rocky wastelands of the blasted lands, making incredible time despite the hefty bag it drags behind it. Brandishing his sword, Conrad chases behind the cherub valiantly, lunging but repeatedly missing the creature as it ducks and weaves deftly. Every time he brings his greatsword crashing down, the cherub evades at the last moment, scarcely losing a hair to the frustration of the conscript.

Finally, after several moments of this dance, one of his swings manages to connect, not with the cherub but rather with the sack it carries, tearing it open to spill its contents. Conrad gives a yell of triumph, but it is short-lived as he steps haphazardly onto a mound of sand and a pair of muscular arms pull him down and out of sight.

The sound of a struggle can be heard as the gravedigger and Conrad fight off stage. Meanwhile, the cherub hurriedly attempts to scoop up the spilled contents into his arms and uses the opportunity to escape as a new figure approaches onstage.

Constable Cunningham unhurriedly takes a long drag from his cigarette as he casually strolls into view, taking in the scene with nonchalance despite the sound of battle nearby. He stoops down and picks up a pebble of a radiant purity that is out of place with the tainted surroundings, holding it up to get a closer look before pocketing it.

Taking another drag from his cigarette, Constable Cunningham says, "You took a nasty spill there, chap. Don't you know this is gravedigger territory, are you all right down there?"

The response of a grunt causes Cunningham to roll his eyes as he flicks his cigarette away and reaches a hand down into the mound of sand and pulls out the beleaguered Conrad who is still swinging his sword down at some unseen opponent.

Conscript Conrad doubles over leaning on his sword as he pants for breath. Grumpily he protests, "I was fine, I had it right where I wanted it."

Eyes sparkling in amusement as he lights a fresh cigarette, Constable Cunningham says, "Aye, sure you did. Your little friend got away. Job well-done, conscript."

Grunting, Conscript Conrad says, "By Urlach's fist, why a cherub of all things." He pauses as he notices Cunningham's constable attire for the first time, then straightens up in address, "Constable, do you need any statement?"

Holding up the previously pocketed pebble, Constable Cunningham says, "Cunningham, Constable Cunningham. And right here is everything I need." He frowns thoughtfully in consideration, "This isn't the first skulking about the city, where did you say it came from?"

Conscript Conrad says, "I didn't say sir, but it came from the Presidio. Must have been stealing that - whatever it is, along with whatever else it grabbed up. Urlach's skull, Savara will have my head for this."

Taking another drag from his cigarette, Constable Cunningham says, "Well conscript, it just so happens you're in luck. This has to do with my own investigation. I could use some muscle and detailing a Marshal is far too much paperwork. I'll take you on special assignment and she won't care so long as you come back with its head."

Conrad's voice addresses the audience as he says, "A special assignment in Magnagora? Mysterious cherubs running wild? Or go back to be berated by Savara n'Rotri? It was an easy decision."

Sheathing his sword, Conscript Conrad says, "Conscript Conrad reporting for duty, where do we get started, sir?"

Allowing an enigmatic smile, Constable Cunningham says, "Oh, there's just one thing." He gestures towards Conrad dressed in the armor of an ur'Guard, "You can't go wearing that, but I have just the thing for you..."

The curtains close as Cunningham freezes with his knowing smile and Conrad maintains a confused expression. A murmur of backstage conversation and a low din of music that steadily grows louder begins to fill the air.


SCENE 3: The Wailing Woman Inn

The curtains part to show Conrad and Cunningham pause at the entryway to the famous Wailing Woman Inn. The stocky but muscular orclach is much changed from the previous scene. Now he wears an obscenely large fat suit that makes his every movement comically difficult, an ill-fitted constable's outfit barely manages to cover the disguise. Within the Inn the distant murmur of indistinct conversation filling the air. At one table a figure wearing a muddy cloak sits hunched over a drink. A skeletal band just a step shy of the grave play a morose number dripping with an atmosphere of honeyed whiskey.

Holding up a hand to stop his partner short as he nods towards the cloaked figure, Constable Cunningham says, "That's our man. He may not look like much more than a drunk, but he's a geomancer believe it or not. He knows the underground and there's not a thing that happens he doesn't hear about. Hmm, but first - one last finishing touch."

Constable Cunningham reaches outside the door and picks up a slop bucket filled with mud which he promptly empties over Conrad's head before the orclach can protest, leaving him dripping in mud and excrement. The constable gives a nod of approval, "Better. Was much too clean, now let's go."

Groaning in disgust, Conscript Conrad follows Cunningham's lead to the cloaked figure, in his oversized fat-suit merely walking is a struggle and he manages more of a waddle, knocking into furniture and spilling drinks in a trail of destruction in his wake. When they finally reach the cloaked man they each take a seat on either side of him, Conrad balancing himself precariously on his seat.

With slurred speech as he looks up warily, Dusty, the drunken geomancer says, "Eh? If it ain't Johnny law come to harass a workin' man again. What's this, new lackeys only came in Gorgulu size eh?"

Constable Cunningham slaps a hand across Dusty's back, creating a brief plume of dust that sends Conrad into a coughing fit. Unfazed, Cunningham says, "Dusty, my friend, it's been a while, but we both know you wouldn't know what honest work looks like. I see you've been keeping your nose about as clean as I would expect."

Grumpily, Dusty, the drunken geomancer says, "You ain't no friend o' mine. Last time I saws you, took damn near a week to get the mud back how's I like it. And ya left with all my goods to boot." Lifting an empty cup and shaking it, "Friend he says? Hmph!"

Holding up a finger to flag down a bartender, Conscript Conrad says, "A round of whatever he's having here."

Sniffing loudly, Dusty, the drunken geomancer says, "Heeey, now that's me boy-o, can talk after all once ya pull that stick outta your arse eh? Whiskey on the rocks all around."

Three cups that might by some definitions be ostensibly considered clean are quickly dropped before the men, splashing cheap liquor as they're served. Cunningham makes a point of sliding his glass away, while Dusty holds up his glass in a swift toast before taking a long drink, biting down on the ice and chewing it noisily.

Without so much as looking in the cup Conscript Conrad slams it back, an action he comes to instantly regret as there's a loud cracking noise, and he spits out a bloody rock onto the counter, swearing something about Urlach's tooth.

Guffawing loudly and slapping his knee, Dusty, the drunken geomancer says, "Whiskey on the rocks eh! Whatcha think that meant ya lout? Ain't ever drunk with a Geomancer?" Turning towards Cunningham he adds, "Real brains on that one, there."

Pulling the white pebble out from his pocket, Constable Cunningham slides it across the counter towards Dusty. "Rookies. Now Dusty focus, wipe that drunk grin off your face, and tell me what you know about this. What is it and why would a cherub be smuggling it into the city?"

Dusty, the drunken geomancer's expression sobers quickly as he gapes at the radiant pebble. Then he shakes his head a little too vigorously, "Nah, ain't seen nothin' like that before. Can't help ya, thanks for the drink but I ought to get gone."

Constable Cunningham sighs audibly as he gives a nod and holds up a hand to flag down the bartender, "I really didn't want to have to do this again Dusty, why can't you ever do this the easy way." To the bartender he says, "Glass of water."

The musicians suddenly stop their morose music and the whole Inn goes quiet. Patrons edge away while watching in horrified silence as the glass of water is served. Dusty's eyes fly wide open but he's too slow to respond before Cunningham has his head slammed down against the bar, causing some of the water to spill dangerously close to his face.

Constable Cunningham lifts the glass, swirling the dirty contents above Dusty's head. "I hate having to repeat questions friend. What is it?" As he asks he starts to tip the glass, allowing a single droplet to fall on the geomancer's head.

Dusty, the drunken geomancer screams bloody murder as he struggles in useless torment, "I don't know nothin' 'bout nothin' I swears. Just let me go."

Sighing, Constable Cunningham says, "Going to make me ask again are you?" He continues pouring the glass of water over the thrashing man's head. "I can do this all night. We can even drag you down to the river for a proper bath."

Body racked with pathetic sobs, Dusty, the drunken geomancer says, "Noooo, stop, you win! You win! I'll look, I'll look. Just put the water down and get ya goon offa me."

Conscript Conrad lets go of Dusty and returns to his seat, still not quite used to his fatsuit he nearly tips off as he loses his balance.

Dusty, the drunken geomancer pushes himself up from the bar, a grimace on his face. He picks up the radiant pebble and holds it close before his eye in inspection before suddenly plopping it into his mouth. He sucks on the rock thoughtfully as if it were a jawbreaker candy, tasting as a sommelier might wine.

Spitting out the pebble with a look of disgust, Dusty, the drunken geomancer says, "Aye, I thought it might be. This right here is a gen-u-wine artifact o' the old world o' Weakness. Nobles buy em for the novelty, the Underground pay top money for em too. Been all the rage for these babies lately. Course most of em are fakes, ain't many o the real things. This one's got that bad taste like only the gen-u-wine do though."

Perplexed, Conscript Conrad says, "The old world of Weakness? I'm not following."

Sighing, Dusty, the drunken geomancer says, "Shallamar ya dolt. They call em a Pebble o Shallamar or a Pebble o Truth. This here be a rock from Shallamar. Ya see -it- got turned into Nil way back when, but parts o' it was here on the Basin. The old Empire shipped down rock and used em to make statues, house o' prophets used em in prophecy, even pilgrims would use em to worship. Ya see when Shallamar got fondled up real good by the Almighty, these babies that was on the Basin weren't touched."

Looking pensive, Constable Cunningham says, "So an old artifact from Shallamar untouched by the Taint. Interesting."

Breaking in, Conscript Conrad says, "I still don't get why, what could somebody even do with these things?"

Dusty, the drunken geomancer shrugs as he grabs Cunningham's untouched drinks, plucking out a stone to chew noisily as he talks, "The fark should I know what they gonna do with em? They're rare and I might could know where to sell it, but no sane geomancer would wanna -use- it, stinks worse than Celestia and back." With a snort, he adds, "I wager ya would have to find a Fatalist to get somebody knows what to do with one."

Rubbing his forehead, Conscript Conrad says, "Right we'll just find a member of a dead guild and ask them about it, good idea."

Constable Cunningham says, "Hmm, well maybe just mostly dead. Dear Conrad, you should know here in Magnagora death has a very loose meaning." Then addressing the geomancer again, "Hmm, you say there's more of these artifacts in Magnagora? Who's been buying them?"

Swallowing, Dusty, the drunken geomancer says, "Well first ya gots to understand I would never touch or deal in any o' those. Even if I did, would be bad for business to give that kinda info-mation away."

Constable Cunningham gestures silently for another water to the bartender, causing Dusty to twitch nervously.

Hastily, Dusty, the drunken geomancer says, "But, seein' as you is a good friend from way back and all... Ya can owe me one and I'll let ya know where somebody else might be selling these babies at."

Smiling with a fake cheeriness and pulling out a notepad, Constable Cunningham says, "See I knew you had it in you, that wasn't so hard was it?"

The stage suddenly goes dark as the curtains draw closed, signaling the shift in scenes. The sound of the musician's morose song gives way to the ringing of a forging and the rhythmic music of industry.


SCENE 4: Warehouse

The pounding of metal on metal, the clinking and clanking of tools, and the turning of some great cog provides the hypnotic slice of life that could only be found in one of Magnagora's industrial districts. As the curtains part, Conrad and Cunningham can be seen in one such long-abandoned workhouse. The background noise subsides as the pair examines the numerous priceless objects on the stage.

Nudging a sheet of metal with his foot, Conscript Conrad says, "Remind me again why I needed this ridiculous suit, I can barely move in the thing."

Lighting a cigarette, Constable Cunningham says, "Oh that? Commissioner Irumba hasn't heard what happened to my old partner yet and doesn't need to." A barely suppressed smile accompanies the lie that follows, "Nobody will tell the difference, you look his spitting image."

Suspiciously, Conscript Conrad says, "Wait, what happened to your -."

Cutting off the other man, Constable Cunningham says, "Shh, we don't have time for talking about who may or may not have died horribly, we have work to do." He takes a long drag from his cigarette before tossing it down and snuffing it out, "There must be something secret around here, we need to find it."

The voice of Conrad speaking to the audience pipes in, "This case just kept getting stranger and stranger, I couldn't say that I understood any of it. Cherubs running around with Shallamar artifacts. The strange geomancer. By the seat of Urlach's throne why I was wearing this ridiculous disguise. Still, I carried on, some part of me trusted Cunningham, another part just wanted to see what would happen next. His methods were strange, but I couldn't deny that they seemed to be working."

Methodical in his work Constable Cunningham moves to examine an abandoned forge, laying his hands on it to touch the cold metal. Next, he gives the forge a push to which it does not respond. He tries pulling on the forge, still nothing. He tries turning the forge, again nothing. It remains still as he clutches it with both hands as if trying to use the forge. Finally, he motions as if it might have a door or hatch that could be opened, to no avail.

Conscript Conrad pauses in his investigation and stares blankly at Cunningham in disbelief. He shifts around, trying to balance the bulk of his fatsuit, and he is sweating visibly under the weight of it.

Moving on from the forge Constable Cunningham finds a spectacularly built golden statue of a gloriously naked Fain. His investigation of the statue is just as methodical as the forge, pushing, pulling, turning, and grabbing parts of the statue that would be considered obscene in any public setting.

Raising his voice with confusion, Conscript Conrad says, "Constable Cunningham! Please tell me what in the name of Urlach's undying boner are you doing!?"

Stopping his search and lighting a cigarette first before responding cooly, Constable Cunningham says, "This is a tried and true investigation method, one I've learned from some of the most prominent in Magnagora's fate-touched adventurers. You try, follow my lead."

Conscript Conrad turns towards a large bell, displayed with a sign that reads "For New Clockwork Tower", struggling in his suit to reach the object to manipulate it, instead he merely manages to bump into it. Unlike Cunningham's attempts, the bell does respond, but not in the way either would have wanted.

The bell rack begins to rock precariously after Conrad's touch, tolling loudly until with a loud crack its stand breaks, sending it crashing to the ground. This starts a cacophony of a chain reaction as the bell falls over onto a weapons rack which noisily crashes into another, like so many dominoes. The noise is almost deafening as a row of perfectly crafted suits of armor behind the weapon racks begins to fall over as well, leading in turn to bookshelves behind them which stand in the warehouse for no apparent reason, and yet there they were.

Clouds of dust obscure are knocked up obscuring the stage as the crashing continues for far longer than should be possible. In the noise, one might swear they heard the shattering of glass, chattering of bones, and strangely the trumpeting honk of an annoyed swan. As the dust settles, the room is utterly destroyed, rubble is everywhere and except the two men still standing, all that remains intact is a single stool.

Constable Cunningham glances askance at Conrad.

Conscript Conrad glances askance.

Constable Cunningham remains very quiet as he lights another cigarette and calmly takes a long drag from it.

Conscript Conrad huffs out a breath as he flops onto the wooden stool to take a seat. Much to his surprise, after he takes a seat, a secret passage opens in the wall, but before Conrad can celebrate, the stool also breaks leaving him flat on his rear having now destroyed the entirety of the warehouse's very expensive contents.

Constable Cunningham takes one last drag from his cigarette before tossing it down and snuffing it out before saying dryly, "Good work conscript, I knew you had it in you. Come on now, this is no time to be sitting around."

It takes Conrad great effort to get back onto his feet. Panting, he scrambles after Cunningham through the door. Puncturing the scene before the curtains draw closed, a weapon leaning precariously in a pile of rubble tips over and falls with one last clanging sound.


SCENE 5: Hidden Parlor

The curtains part to reveal a chamber filled with pungent incense and well-lit by candles. The constable and conscript can only barely be seen crouching just offstage, a piano not far from them. In the background cages filled with imps line the wall, one of which can be seen rattling a cup against the wire of his cage. A woman in an ivory mask reclines on a chaise lounge, idly filing her nails.

Lady Amaranth doesn't even look up from her nails as she asks in a bored tone, "Balthazar, you incompetent cherub, was that ruckus you?"

There is an uncomfortable silence in response before finally, Cunningham pushes Conrad more fully onto the stage, he crouches down behind the piano in an attempt to stay hidden. The Lady Amaranth seems unaware of the two as she taps her foot impatiently. The orclach peers around before taking a deep breath and responding.

Answering in a false soprano, Conscript Conrad says, "Yes, uh lady. I am back and I uhh, did that thing."

Repeating in obvious disdain, Lady Amaranth says, "The thing. So you have the last stone from the White Priestess after -you- lost the last one in your incompetence?"

Answering in a false soprano, Conscript Conrad says, "Yes Lady. I have it right here. Um, everything is ready. Remind me again what were we doing?"

Sighing in exasperation, Lady Amaranth says, "You are as bad as an imp, you imbecile. We have used the stones of Shallamar to make the five spikes of the Emanations, we will use them to purify the monuments and claim that disgusting abomination of the Necromentate and return Magnagora to the glory of Shallamar once and for all."

Answering in a false soprano, Conscript Conrad says, "Oh right Lady, I forgot. I'm just a dumb cherub who is dumb. But I have the stone right here."

Rising from her seat, Lady Amaranth says, "Good, go near the Megalith and stand ready, I shall be there momentarily." She pauses and sighs, "And be discrete for once in your miserable life."

Answering in a false soprano, Conscript Conrad says, "Right away Lady I'm leaving." His voice is quieter to try and mimic becoming more distant, "Good byyyyye."

Sharply cutting off Conrad, Lady Amaranth says, "Wait a minute, wait a minute, not so fast! First this is first. Music, the song the White Priestess taught me." The woman rises to her feet swiftly and approaches the piano as Conrad crouches down further on the opposite site. Snapping her fingers she counts out, "Ah one, a two, a three, hit it!"

Conscript Conrad keeps shifting his position to stay out of sight of the Lady Amaranth, but without missing the cue he reaches his hands up to start playing a slow and sweet melody with a note of wistful reminiscence.

Pacing the stage, her slinky gown clinging attractively as she moves, Lady Amaranth sings, "It's not my fault. You don't understand. When I explain to you how you fell. I don't need you. And soon you'll be done."

Turning beseeching towards the audience, Lady Amaranth sings, "You should believe me. And you will see, not the girl you once knew but your Fate... Not in Nil... Or the Light... But oblivion for you."

A note of smugness in her demeanor, Lady Amaranth sings, "I will make it happen. I will be the change... Couldn't stand without you beneath my heel... Looking up... At my perfection.. Blessed by Shallamar and my song."

Without breaking her song Lady Amaranth gathers up a bundle of five spikes of radiant purity and approaches the caged imps, shoving the spikes into the imps one at a time all while continuing the song, "I choose truth! You run around trying everything new. But nothing impressed me at all. I never expected you to."

The music begins to swell for the chorus and the imps writhe in torment within their cages, pinned in place by the spikes which impale them.

Lingering on each line while belting out with the grace and poise of a professional singer, Lady Amaranth sings, "Don't cry for me, Magnagora. The truth is I never loved you. Now I'm unliving. You've met damnations. I make this promise, I'll save the Emanations."

A note of triumph in her voice, Lady Amaranth sings, "And as for worship, and as for godhood. I deserve it, for afterall, in the Basin who more deserves it than I? I am perfection... And am I not all that Fate promised to be?"

Pacing back towards the piano, Lady Amaranth sings, "The answer lies here. I hate you but you will love me... Don't cry for me Magnagora."

Suddenly in a burst of light the five imps transform into five cherubs. Immediately they procure violins and join in with another crescendoing swell of the chorus.

Spreading out her arms to truly reach the heights of the song, Lady Amaranth sings, "Don't cry for me, Magnagora. The truth is... I never loved you. Now I'm unliving. You've met damnations. I make this promise, I'll save the Emanations."

Lady Amaranth sprawls out seductively across the piano, causing Conrad to duck down even further to stay out of eyesight as he plays. Her voice nearly a whisper as she questions in the song, "Did I say too much? There's nothing more you can do now to stop me." Raising her voice she finishes, "All you need to do is hear my song. As every word. Is. True!"

The violin and piano swell for one final time as the Lady Amaranth lounges decadently, letting her tied back hair come undone as she basks in the moment and seems to be inviting adoration. She remains like this as the music dies back down with wistful lingering notes.

Lady Amaranth lets out a soft sigh as she sits up and watches the cherubs flee. With a cackle she exclaims, "Go forth my pretty cherubs. Make Shallamar great again! Take your spikes to the monuments posthaste!"

The cherubs pull the spikes out of themselves, chortling gleefully as they rush off, flying directly over the constable and conscript's head to do their holy duty. The pair scrambles after them as the curtains close.


SCENE 6: Magnagora

As the curtains part, they reveal an overall view of Magnagora. On the left of the stage is a raised section that can only be the bridge of Torment. The Megalith is prominent in the center of the stage, whilst on the right can be seen one of the city's monuments to the demon lords. The skeletal beginnings of the new clockwork tower rises up in the background between the monument and megalith. Five cherubs can be seen flitting across the stage aimlessly, each carrying a spike. A sixth is milling idly around at the Megalith.

(Magnagora): Ardrak, Keeper of the Megalith says, "What the Nil? Cherubs in the city."

Constable Cunningham says, "Conscript Conrad, we know what they're up to, this is your moment. You need to stop these cherubs before they get those spikes in the monuments. I will talk with Commissioner Irumba and get him to rally the Marshals. We're counting on you, don't let Magnagora down, kid."

Nodding solemnly, Conscript Conrad says, "Right away Constable." then hesitating adds, "But first this disguise?"

Snapping, Constable Cunningham says, "No time for that Conscript! Leave it on! We can't waste time explaining to the commissioner, just get those cherubs!"

Constable Cunningham dashes off stage leaving Conrad alone.

Conscript Conrad attempts to draw the sword strapped to his back, unfortunately, the fatsuit makes the task near impossible as he can't quite reach it. As he makes the attempt all of the cherubs surround him and begin pushing the man, chortling madly as they dart out of his reach and then back in to shove him around.

Conscript Conrad finally grabs hold of the pommel of his sword, bellowing loudly, "In the name of Urlach, I smite you self-righteous cherub sons of witches!" As he draws the sword he slashes it through two cherubs before they can even react, each dropping their holy spike as he slays them.

Lady Amaranth silently creeps onto the stage and takes a spot by the Megalith where she can watch the events unravel. Even beneath the mask, her glare of disapproval is obvious.

The remaining cherubs scatter, one scrambles towards the bridge, another towards the monument, the last one stays near Conrad swooping at his head as it harasses him. Improbably coincidental In the background a large bell is being fixed to a skeletal construction frame of a tower by imps, a voice directing them crying out, "It took us a hundred years to forge two of these, be careful, we only have one backup in the warehouse."

Conscript Conrad finally is able to grab hold of the sword and flings it forth with all his might, losing his grip and sending the sword flying past the attacking cherub and into the bell behind it.

There is a loud gonging that reverberates throughout the theater as the sword rings against the bell causing it to come crashing down, crushing the cherub, but also shattering the bell into a useless hunk of metal.

Conscript Conrad backs away from the mess, whistling innocently as he decides the sword might not be worth the trouble and pulls a pair of batons from his belt instead. He waddles as fast as he can manage towards the monument.

The cherub is attempting to jam its spike into the monument of Lord Luciphage without any success. It appears to not notice the spike-shaped hole at the base of the monument and is instead attempting to impale the solid stone statue itself.

Conscript Conrad screams out a battle cry as he reaches the cherub and begins pummeling it with his clubs, it doesn't even have time to react before it is a bloody pulp beneath Conrad's relentless assault. He doesn't even notice as Cunningham appears until the other man catches the club in mid-swing.

Constable Cunningham takes a puff of the cigarette held in his mouth, both hands occupied clutching Conrad's batons to keep him from swinging. When the conscript has finally calmed from his blood rage Cunningham lets go and tosses the cigarette down, "Calm friend. Reinforcements are on the way. We need the one at the bridge alive, then meet at the Megalith and we can end this."

Conscript Conrad gives a quick salute and turns to jog towards the bridge, he quickly stops and doubles over panting by the Megalith, not seeming to notice the withering glare the Lady Amaranth casts his direction, then he stands back up and leisurely strolls towards the bridge and the cherub that is on it.

The cherub turns towards Conrad defiantly, holding up its spike as if it were a rapier, it lunges towards Conrad and cuts him cleanly across the cheek, letting out a high-pitched squeal of delight.

Conscript Conrad holds up his batons and points them towards the cherub, "Lucky hit, but you'll never succeed. Just turn yourself in and this can all be over."

The cherub screeches back in a high-pitched squeak as it holds up its spike in a duelist stance, "Never! Come get me, what are you scared?"

Conscript Conrad charges the cherub, and what ensues can only be described as epic. The cherub despite its small size and strength is nimble compared to Conrad in his fatsuit. Back and forth the two spar across the bridge trading blows, feints, counters, and ripostes.

As the two figures on the bridge spar, another cherub appears and begins picking up the fallen spikes left by its fallen comrades. It gathers the items and flies to the Lady Amaranth, handing them to her and whispering into her ear. The woman gives the cherub a vicious smack but then seems to withdraw, the lights dimming and concealing all of the stage except for the fight between Conrad and the cherub he is engaged with.

Conscript Conrad finally finds the opening he needs and connects to the cherub with a bone-crunching blow that sends it collapsing onto the bridge. He beams triumphantly down at the cherub as it twitches in pain on the bridge, "There, I accept your surrender. We can take you in for questioning now."

The victory of capturing the cherub alive is as short-lived as the cherub however. Hands reach out from the bridge and with a loud slurping sound pull the hapless creature down and into the bridge, devouring it alive. Conrad stands speechless as the bridge absorbs the cherub, finally giving out a loud burp and spitting out the spike.

A spotlight focused on the Megalith turns on, showing yet another cherub standing beside it, and Conrad's attention snaps to it with a new focus. On the opposite side of the stage, a beam of light shines down on Cunningham who, trailed by Marshals, points towards the cherub at the Megalith. The two men rush to converge on the Megalith and both grab at the cherub before it can react.

As the two men grab at the cherub, the illusion cast around it ripples and falls apart, revealing an undead furrikin who looks utterly baffled at the constables. Angrily the furrikin slips away proclaiming, "What is the meaning of this? Do you idiotic constables have nothing better to do than harass people in costumes at the Megalith?"

Constable Cunningham blinks in confusion looking towards Conrad who only manages a helpless shrug, then addressing the furrikin he asks, "We're looking for cultists summoning cherubs in the city, they looked just like you."

The seething taurian Commissioner Irumba stomps in, nostrils flaring as he bellows, "You! My two most incompetent constables what were you thinking? I am going to have your heads for this, when I get through with you, you will be lucky to have a station in the bowels of the Gutter or undercity for the rest of your short miserable career!" He continues berating the two hapless constables but the audio for his tirade cuts out.

At stage left beneath the Lich Gate, the Lady Amaranth gives a ringing laugh before exiting, trailed by her true cherub thrall, a bundle of hallowed spikes held under her arm.

The curtains close and in the dark Conrad's voice provides the final epilogue of the tail, "And so by Urlach we did save the city from one of the White Priestess's insane Shallamurine priestesses, but not a single soul knew it or believed us. They all just thought we got tricked by somebody in an illusion at the Megalith and knew nothing about everything else that we did. Of course, Cunningham and I knew better, we knew that without us the city of progress and transformation didn't stand a chance without us, and what we did that day, what we still had left to do.