Sleep Lock Nonsense

by Veyrzhul

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Eritheyl2012-07-01 01:36:06
Thought: Keep beast powers as they are, change sleepcloud itself to a percent chance based on level of tiredness.

Unknown2012-07-01 02:34:21
That's actually a much harsher nerf, but if you insist, I'm fine with that.
Eritheyl2012-07-01 02:47:10
Harsh to sleepcloud in particular, but doesn't affect beastmastery wholly across the board. I find myself more able to accept that, personally.

And, I might point out, my opinion is second to all others. I make a lot of noise, but I'm completely inept at combat, so :X
Unknown2012-07-01 02:49:10
But none of the changes suggested for beastmastery affect beastmastery as a whole...

Just sleepcloud and maybe spit.
Eritheyl2012-07-01 03:00:56

I'm also a fan of ALL beast actions taking the user's balance, but that's mainly because I feel like players are way overbuffed these days, and less that it has to do with this particular conversation.

This is the only notable suggestion I was in fear of seeing drawn out, hence my hesitation to agree with other things. Luckily, while perusing the thread again, I suddenly remembered that no one followed this tangent.

So, you caught me on that point! Thank you thank you.

...embarrassment aside, I also find myself somewhat fond of your earlier suggestion of replacing sleepcloud with spit morphite. Since sleeplocks are rather useless in group fights, the aoe of sleepcloud really isn't something I foresee being whined over if the skill is removed. At least, logically.
Malarious2012-07-01 21:19:07
Just a note amnesiacloud is useless anyway, so if you remove sleepcloud you might as well remove the entire skill from beastmastery. Time for new breath powers!