Sleep Lock Nonsense

by Veyrzhul

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Unknown2012-06-28 10:10:37
Dreamweaver doesn't really rely on a sleep "lock". You just make people really tired to the point that they're basically powerless to defend against your demesne. It's a "win by default after x amount of time" thing.
Unknown2012-06-28 10:27:47
Geez. Just cap sleep at 10 seconds. There. I said it.
Unknown2012-06-28 11:41:17
Leaving out the beginning of the fight makes the log less useful. Being put to sleep increases your level of drowsiness, and thus increases the time it takes you to wake up. That was intentionally changed to make the sleeplock strategy more viable for a couple skills. Just how tired were you when you stayed asleep for 18 seconds? We can't tell anything from what you've posted so far. Heck, you don't even have timestamps in your log!
Unknown2012-06-28 12:35:44
Could be worse. Could always take > 18 mesmerises to drop a person into a deep sleep level :P
Veyrzhul2012-06-28 20:15:26

Leaving out the beginning of the fight makes the log less useful. Being put to sleep increases your level of drowsiness, and thus increases the time it takes you to wake up. That was intentionally changed to make the sleeplock strategy more viable for a couple skills. Just how tired were you when you stayed asleep for 18 seconds? We can't tell anything from what you've posted so far. Heck, you don't even have timestamps in your log!

So after a ton of derails and comments that contribute nothing, this is your attempt at constructive criticism? I said I was asleep more than 18 seconds, and since me being asleep is all that's in the log, what more do you need in terms of timestamps? If you still insist, just read Sondayga's version. It has your timestamps.

As for being put to sleep alone making you more sleepy, he had done what, 4-5 attempts before this one? It's not as if we had been fighting for half an hour there.
Unknown2012-06-28 20:53:28
Someone's cranky.
Veyrzhul2012-06-28 20:55:18
I just think you lack the insight to contribute here. And you try to make it up by bringing up random things.
Unknown2012-06-28 21:13:19
You try to make an argument by providing incomplete information, ignoring any of the useful suggestions, and just being abrasive.

My off-hand mention of Inquisition was a simple joking example of things that are worse than this scenario, not meant to derail anything.

Good luck in your crusade, but I personally hope the envoys are more rational in their judgements.
Veyrzhul2012-06-28 21:22:44
None of the 'useful' information was useful with regards to what happened in the log, that's what Rivius and the others fail to see, as do you, obviously. And I addressed all of those hints and stated why they are not helpful.

It's as if I posted a log of getting staff damaged for 10k damage, and people told me 'But you didn't have your robes proofed and had no healing scroll.'
Unknown2012-06-28 21:30:31
Sondayga's log isn't the whole fight, either, by the way, but at least he has timestamps. Weird how the log doesn't show you actually falling asleep, but I'm sure there's some explanation for that because it is obvious you're not doing anything after the triple sleep.

So, what's you're solution again? Cap the wake time at eight seconds? Hardly seems fair. Limiting pooka ordering to take balance? Again, not fair, as it ruins other possibilities.

Maybe the pixie hitting you and the additional sleep hex while you were asleep contributed to the lengthened time. Focus on that instead?
Veyrzhul2012-06-28 21:43:47
I tested with Placeus yesterday if getting slept while being asleep somehow resets the waking. We got mixed data, I would still sometimes wake up right after being afflicted with another sleep when already sleeping. So that's inconclusive, at least without much more extensive testing.

How does capping waking time hardly seem fair? Please explain that. Even Solanis suggested a 10 second cap, and he was a Moondancer for how long, rl years?

The other suggestion that found some consensus (and now also some opposition) was changing the relevant beast powers. It's all in the thread above.
Unknown2012-06-28 21:58:15
I'm not saying it resets your wake timer. I'm saying maybe it extends it a bit because you got sleepier.
Veyrzhul2012-06-28 22:06:56
I think you overestimate the amount by which sleep attacks in general make you sleepier, by far. That still is the domain of mesmerise and deepsleep. Those additional sleep attacks do drain endurance, but only 10 each, so that's also nothing that has an overpowering effect. Setting a cap is a reasonable solution, in any case.
Binjo2012-06-28 23:35:13
For the record (since you mentioned the possibilities having no opposition) I have some reservations about limiting beast attacks because they would have a much broader array of effect than just dealing with this one outlier. Just make it so that you're guaranteed to be asleep for at least a couple of seconds (without kafe) and cannot be put to sleep for more than 10. Problem solved. Alternatively go harmony psymet monk and have hard counters to this entire strategy.
Unknown2012-06-30 05:27:29
Hexing sleep while asleep doesn't do any sleep attrition. I tested with Sondayga. Well, maybe it does a little bit. I'd go from 'fully rested' to 'not in need of sleep.'
Placeus2012-06-30 09:04:21
Sleep attacks while asleep reduce your endurance and you wake more quickly when at full endurance.
Eritheyl2012-06-30 17:50:29
Aside from just dubbing this extremely terrible luck and dropping the issue (which is never going to happen, I understand), I suppose the only suggested solution I would find even close to viable is the wake time cap.

Changes to beast powers, yeah, no.
Xenthos2012-06-30 18:28:12

Changes to beast powers, yeah, no.

Why not?

It's reasonable enough to at least discuss it, given that beast powers are a more recent balance-free addition into the mix which came long after most skills were designed and greatly changed the reliability of various tactics.
Eritheyl2012-06-30 18:58:05

Why not?

It's reasonable enough to at least discuss it, given that beast powers are a more recent balance-free addition into the mix which came long after most skills were designed and greatly changed the reliability of various tactics.

I just think that sweeping changes to affect everyone across the board are a bit too much, in comparison to the suggestions that have already been offered and would prevent isolated cases like this from cropping up.

Though I agree, it is reasonable enough for discussion. Until the hate starts flying!
Sidd2012-07-01 00:46:03
The only problem is that with using beast sleep, it doesn't take any setup or skill to hit the triple sleep. You just wait to get the pooka line, then bam hit it and if it works, you win, if not, you just wait 12 seconds until the next time you can try.

It's just the same as using mugwump to blanknote/pfifth/deathsong someone before they lose earache (which is possible). It might not work the first time, but it'll work eventually.