The fall of Zenos... and the rise of an ascendant?

by Kagato

Back to Chronicles of the Basin.

Rika2012-01-07 06:12:29

Idea: During the Knowledge Trial, every once in a while, a Soulless slaps Eventru away from the contest and asks a ridiculously difficult question, and kills you if you fail! What do you mean it would be annoying?

Sounds like something Eventru would do himself.
Kagato2012-01-07 08:34:39

Sounds like something Eventru would do himself.

Don't tempt him (please!) =p
Unknown2012-01-07 12:40:12
I understand your points... but meh. I just find it kind of cheap.

I mean nothing wrong with saying "Ooooh, I bet it's ascendancy!" (speculation)

But just to be all like "Oh, ascendancy, nbd, carry on kids."