Karma Blessings

by Unknown

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Unknown2012-01-16 23:43:20
So I'm wondering what good karma blessing are there to upkeep? Normally I have Harmony for the essence/xp gain, and Beauty since I'm a bard and keeps me at the 24 Charisma threshold. I think I should also go and get Life with my itty-bitty Constitution. But otherwise, what would be the suggested ones to upkeep?

I think for Bashing it really just depends on what you want, so for Combat, then!

o The Karmic Blessing of Chaos
- Random chance to resist ailments of the mind.

It seems cool, less focus-minding, but the 'random chance' scares me. Has anyone ever tested or noticed how frequent it resists mental ailments? Am I better off sticking with something more static?

o The Karmic Blessing of War
- Increases the amount of damage you do.

I've heard the Cantors have been causing much rage with their Starchord with this on. But since the Cantors have Divinus weaknesses on their side, is the damage boost significant?

o The Karmic Blessing of Justice

- All damage against you from others is partially returned.

This seems cool. Is it a percentage of the damage dealt to you or is it a set amount? It would work wonderfully well with WidowsMercy.

o The Karmic Blessing of Death
- Chance of resisting the afflictions of some diseases.

Which ones?
Enyalida2012-01-16 23:45:25
Do war.

EDIT: On second thought, you should NEVER be doing direct damage. Yeah, I'd go for chaos or death.
Lothringen2012-01-16 23:46:03
War, for sure!
Unknown2012-01-16 23:48:31
Nono. You shouldn't be relying on your chord for damage, you have CrowCaw. Take Chaos or Death, probably Chaos, mental affs are more common than disease.
Unknown2012-01-16 23:48:45

Do war.

EDIT: On second thought, you should NEVER be doing direct damage. Yeah, I'd go for chaos or death.

Yeah, I try not to do a damage-kill. I'm not arti-ed up enough for that, yet. What does Death protect against?
Lothringen2012-01-16 23:50:03

Yeah, I try not to do a damage-kill. I'm not arti-ed up enough for that, yet. What does Death protect against?

lolwhat. Spam minorsecond/shadowchord in groups, profit.

Edit: Also buffs dchord for those pesky people that won't die to CrowCaw spam.
Unknown2012-01-16 23:55:40

What does Death protect against?

Plague affs: Scabies, Worms, Rigor Mortis, Pox


lolwhat, spam minorsecond/shadowchord in groups. profit.

edit: also buffs dcord for those pesky people that won't die to crowcaw spam.

Bards have much better things to be doing in groups than damage killing.
Lothringen2012-01-17 00:01:02
Such as? Assuming the opponent has a clue, you're not always going to be able to sit in octave. I've got hundreds of damage kills as a bard, it's pretty effective.
Unknown2012-01-17 00:05:31
War, war, war.

You also want to be "levelling out" your int and cha, too. If I am on say, 22 cha and 20 int, I'll get a knowledge. It's only a small increase, but it all adds up.
Unknown2012-01-17 01:35:27

Such as? Assuming the opponent has a clue, you're not always going to be able to sit in octave. I've got hundreds of damage kills as a bard, it's pretty effective.

I've found that BlankCord and P5 consume most of my time in groups; assuming your group has a clue, they can take advantage of this. Damage kills tend to be ineffective except in large groups, and in those cases 10% extra damage is not a major concern.
Rika2012-01-17 01:54:48
Yeah what, War definitely. The Harbinger attack is poison/excoro, which is just as strong if not stronger than the Cantor one. You're doing it wrong if you rely on octave in groups (it's useful situationally, but the majority of the time you want to just attack).
Unknown2012-01-17 02:22:12
If you are in a group large enough to be attempting damage kills, 10% extra damage means very little.
Lothringen2012-01-17 04:07:24
War, tattoos, kirigami, dark, minorseventh, whatever else can all add up to a nice damage bonus. Get War, focus on keeping the group's primary target in p5 and damage them. When they're dead, move on to the next one. If you're entrenched somewhere, drop octave and colourmaelstrom, otherwise, better off spending your power on p5s and crowcaws.
Unknown2012-01-17 06:17:20
You are only considering fairly large scale combat, in particluar raids, which are much rarer these days. I've seen Nicholo in wargames quite a bit, where damage kills are somewhat less viable, and when they are viable, they are somewhat rude. Your choice of course Nicholo, but honestly, if you can't kill them with CrowCaw, you probably can't damage kill them either...

Lothringen2012-01-17 07:16:30
I'm under the impression that most people use Wargames as small-scale practice for the "real world". That being said, yeah, sometimes what works in Wargames won't work outside Wargames, and vice versa. If you're more concerned with being effective in "actual" combat, go for War. Half the battle is knowing what works and in which situations, so either way it's good to play around.
Malarious2012-01-17 09:43:57
Get war
Fayneix2012-01-18 18:32:17
I usually run with a war/beauty (for whether I'm influencing or combating) and harmony. For obvious reasons.
Unknown2012-01-18 20:21:09
Harmony is useless imo. Waste of karma.
Neos2012-01-18 20:59:20
Don't get Chaos. /plotting
vorld2012-01-19 00:00:32

Harmony is useless imo. Waste of karma.

Why do you think that?