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Announce News Post #2870

Taerin Pass

Written by: Estarra the Eternal
Date: Sunday, November 18th, 2018
Addressed to: Everyone

Hello everyone,

Although it is not standard practice to write an announce post for bug fixes, we wanted to draw attention to some major changes that will impact the Taerin Pass area directly as well as the Water and Elemental planes indirectly. Technically this does not constitute an overhaul of the area as the associated quests have not been functioning as intended since release and we are only correcting that, but the implications of the bug fixes are somewhat far-reaching. For those not familiar with the quests in this area, two opposing factions of elemental researchers (water and earth) are vying to empower their respective elemental planes.

Starting today, when one side of the Pass is empowered, the other side's primary elemental plane will have half of a certain type of its elemental beasts respawn in the Taerin Pass; furthermore, an elemental trap will be found randomly within that plane that will randomly transport some players to the Taerin Pass. The empowered side, on the other hand, will spawn additional elemental beasts. The Elemental Lords and Ladies of both planes will now also offer some insight on how to combat the opposing faction in the time of need. Both of these quests have also been entered into the quest system, and there is also now a cooldown for both quests once an empowered faction has been defeated.

We will leave the details of the lore for you to discover yourselves, and we encourage you to pursue these quests and submit any bugs or feedback you find to us immediately.

Penned by My hand on the 2nd of Urlachmar, in the year 517 CE.

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