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Public News Post #1964

Nil's Home for Wayward Merian Children

Written by: Necrochemist Uzriel d'Vanecu, Demagogue of Dissonance
Date: Friday, June 9th, 2023
Addressed to: Everyone

After reading Sister Daxi's post so generously advocating the kidnapping of viscanti children (who are not in fact orphans) to indoctrinate them into the Light at St Gathlyn's Orphanage, I am happy to announce the unveiling of my plans for a new home for wayward merian children.

Of course, the viscanti children of the Blasted Lands are best returned to their noble parents or taken to the exclusive Feyranti Estates where they can learn the value of hard work. Though we would not wish to ruin their education by introducing contemptible merian children, no instead the need has arisen for a separate place to house these poor lost merian children with a unique curriculum developed just for them.

So without further ado, I am pleased to announce Nil's Home for Wayward Merian Children. Such highlights of enrollment include an unforgettable tour of the Pit of Insufferable Cruelty by Queen Nifilhema's most devoted acolytes. Experience firsthand the screaming obscenities of rage from Lord Ashtorath. Wallow in the Pit of Despair. Take part in an exclusive once-in-a-lifetime meal with Lord Gorgulu. Embrace eternal damnation in the Labyrinth of the Damned. Worship as an esteem guest of honor on the shrine of one of Magnagora's Divine Pantheon members.

The many orphans of the Isle of Nyalia have thus far been quite literally dying for eternal enrollment however, I see no reason not to extend registration to the underprivileged children of Celest as well. Be they already orphaned, or soon-to-be orphaned, there is a spot just for them.

Nil's Damnation Upon You,
Uzriel d'Vanecu
Demagogue of Dissonance

Penned by my hand on the 23rd of Roarkian, in the year 650 CE.

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