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Public News Post #1901

Glomdoring's Lovely Festival!

Written by: Crimebear Brawrur Lunarose, of the Psychedelic Paw
Date: Saturday, January 30th, 2021
Addressed to: Everyone

Before I start, I'd like to just thank all those who've invested their time and energy into planning Gaudiguch's own glorious festival! Our streets are vibrant and alive like never before. There are citizens blowing themselves up with colourful boom powder on every corner and the revellers have never revelled this hard ever before in their lives!

There have been fireworks, severe burn injuries and riots all year long, but that's just a normal day here in the City of Freedom!

Addressing the most recent news post, I have to ask what happened to Serenwilde's invitation? The disappearance of that has been a hot topic in the Gossip. Did the love between the two communes die when you kicked out Glomdoring's Heart? Poor little bug... Rejected for holding faith in one of our most Beloved patrons. Just out of curiosity, are they invited to the event at all?

Anyway, I did want to just say that your current goal of attracting visitors to what you call cultural events is probably not helped by declaring those who defend their city's allies on roads shared between two cities, neither of which being that construct of dead wood and rot that you aim to call a forest. I can't name an order, guild, cartel or private citizen that doesn't have me on the charter of foes. By the by, that doesn't deter people in the way you think it does. It's an invitation, not a restraining order.

In closing, I do truly hope those of Gaudiguch looking for some fun (at the expense of the locals) and the liches in Magnagora seeking something more dead than themselves find what they're looking for! Hallifax will enjoy the stiff neuroticism of it, I'm sure. Celest can scrape themselves on some thorns and get off on that at least.

A Delportian adieu, from the Basin's most criminal bear,

Penned by my hand on the 13th of Kiani, in the year 581 CE.

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