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Announce News Post #3174


Written by: Orael the Anomaly
Date: Saturday, October 2nd, 2021
Addressed to: Everyone

Hey all,

We would like to give you an official update on where we are with the Economy Project. As you are no doubt aware, no visible progress has been made or announced since we were last discussing it with you in May. We would like to explain why and what this means.

The project is being delayed by my real-life circumstances but is by no means abandoned or forgotten. My current job situation outside of Lusternia involves extensive overtime and working weekends, which results in being able to focus only on standard day to day producer duties (issues, bugs, general admin tasks). Economy is delayed but will resume soon as life allows, hopefully before the year is out as my work is generally seasonal.

The first step when we resume is to get denizen shops implemented, starting with commodity shops. We know there are mixed feelings about the economy plan overall. It's a change and a big one, but there are some really interesting and, hopefully, more engaging mechanics there that can help boost the economy in the game overall.

Our apologies for the delay and we hope to be able to get back to work on that soon.

In the meantime, we have two things to hopefully help tide you over now that Ascension is over. We will be opening up reports here in just a little bit and allow you a chance to get some changes you believe need to be made. See HELP REPORTS for more information. Despite appearing as one big project, reports are a string of short solitary projects all things told. They are much easier to implement when short on time. Meanwhile, the economy project, even when split into stages, demands consideration for the entire game's economy with every single decision. It is also easier to get help on coding in reports from our volunteers. Lastly, it has been too long since reports were opened.

Additionally, the Celestine rework will be opening up for testing shortly (all done by a volunteer coder). Keep your eye out for more information regarding that.

Orael & Uilani

Penned by My hand on the 14th of Juliary, in the year 600 CE.

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