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Announce News Post #3162

PSA: Ascension Gala

Written by: Uilani, the Loom Mistress
Date: Saturday, September 4th, 2021
Addressed to: Everyone

We're really excited to be seeing you at the Gala soon! Before the event begins, we wanted to highlight a few key Gala-related things! There's going to be a lot of you at the Gala. No matter how many people show up, it's always busy! So here are some things to keep in mind:

- You won't be able to bring your pets or dwellers to the Gala. A major reason for this is spam prevention.
- The Gala is peaced, no need to maintain defences or come deffed and armed to the teeth.
- If possible, try to cut down on any ambient-firing items on you. But also: be kind to those who do not. It's not always clear what has ambients or where they come from. Let's not assume people are keeping things on maliciously!
- Tackle FOMO (fear of missing out) head on! When there's something major happening, Bob will be directing your attention to it. He will call for everyone to gather and give you time to do so. Don't be afraid of breaking off from the main crowd.
- To help with the above, there is a loose schedule of the party just past the doors. There is time to split up and explore all the fun things the party offers.
- This party is mainly about you and for you. You all make up the party. We are giving it structure and activities but you are the main attraction. Ask each other to dance, do the conga around the chateau (that happened once!), start a drinking game, start a rumour, go on a culinary tour of all the buffet tables. Have fun!
- To help with all that dancing and partying, a changelog is going up momentarily. You'll be able to refer to it easier that way.

Penned by My hand on the 10th of Tzarin, in the year 598 CE.

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