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Public News Post #1912

Ironbeard Incognito again!

Written by: Nepenthe Dahyu
Date: Friday, December 3rd, 2021
Addressed to: Everyone

Hey again, entire Basin of Life.

There's just a couple months left in the year which means there's just a couple months left to sign up for Ironbeard Incognito! Check post 1911 or ad 544 for more information on what that even means.

As a reminder, ~everyone~ can participate -- even you! If for some reason you absolutely cannot get a present for your assigned giftee, we'll work it out for you.

If you think you've already signed up but you didn't get a confirmation message from me, please just let me (Nepenthe) know and I'll double check my records. I keep pretty clean books but there's been a lot of sign-ups so there is a chance someone slipped through.

When this coming New Year rolls around, I'll be sending out letters with your assigned giftee, the two words they chose to describe their interests and preferences, and instructions on how much you can spend and how the exchange will take place.

Until then, tell all your friends to join in! It'll be fun, yall!

Representing Lord Crumkane with Pride,
His Grand Gourmand,
with a really fancy signature,


Penned by my hand on the 17th of Juliary, in the year 605 CE.

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