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Public News Post #1906

Lady Li-varili's Imprisonment and Torture

Written by: Necrochemist Uzriel d'Vanecu, the Demagogue of Dissonance
Date: Thursday, July 29th, 2021
Addressed to: Everyone

Greetings Basin,

After the Lady of the Lagoons' injuries, many of the Basin have rushed to help with healing Her. Even I myself helped the Healer despite hearing such stories of how the magnolias have been used as a prison to bind Fiabelhie Stillriver before.

Then the dreams started to shift. With it came the realization She is drowning within the cocoon, calling out for Her child who is lost, alone, and confused. Possibly the only one able to find the Sea spirit, Her child.

It has since been confirmed that the Lady of the Lagoons is hale of body, and Her dreams have become more and more tortured. She is no longer being healed, She is being kept prisoner - subject to the torture of lonely silence as Her child suffers. So many judged and decried the Enchantress for what She did, yet these same people are complicit in doing it again right now. While the Enchantress was banished to the void unable to free Her, now the Healer could set Her free if She wanted.

You could help wake Her, you could visit Rhizoda, find the heart of the mangrove and pluck one of the bromeliads, which inhale the fragrance to truly know Her. Then, if you want to assist in waking Her from the prison you could seek out Her Fulcrux.

Or you could continue to bind Her to Her prison and torture within the cocoon by the magnolias. It is clear She cries out to be free in Her dreams. She was truly in need of healing, but now, She is being held against Her will - all who continue to gather the magnolias are not healing Her, they are torturing Her.

Those of you who continue to torture Her, pray your thanks and make offerings to the Enchantress for what She did so long ago. For while She never intended to keep Lady Li-varili bound eternally, here you are continuing the work She stopped.

Uzriel d'Vanecu,
Demagogue of Dissonance

Penned by my hand on the 4th of Tzarin, in the year 595 CE.

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