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Events News Post #48

Secrets of the Viscanti Great Houses

Written by: Anonymous
Date: Saturday, January 14th, 2006
Addressed to: Everyone

When a shrine to Elcyrion rose up in Magnagora, the ancient Viscanti
Great Houses strenuously objected. When the Iron Council appeared not to
care about their objections, they withdrew from Magnagora to hold secret
councils. For several months they waited for an apology and to be called
back to the city but nothing came. Both sides stubbornly refused to give
to the other and eventually the Viscanti Great Houses used their
influence to close the mines of Angkrag. However, what seemed like a
mundane struggle between political factions masked a darker conspiracy.

A young ur'Guard named Menzoberra discovered a piece of parchment that
pointed to a conspiracy, it soon became apparent that House n'Rotri was
using the events to consolidate power among the Great Houses. Then, in a
bold move, House n'Rotri captured the other members of the Great Houses
and began an ancient ritual, a ritual given to the Great Houses by the
Demon Lords of Nil. So pleased was House n'Rotri that Kebira n'Rotri
claimed herself Empress of the Basin, and demanded all cities and
commune bow to her. When none did, she used the Necromentate to create
strange creatures which invaded the Basin.

Meanwhile, the Iron Council discovered that one of the Viscanti Great
Houses chosen by the Lords of Nil as a repository for arcane secrets had
fallen without passing on their knowledge. This was House y'Bolgari,
whose sole member was the crumbling lich, Selima y'Bolgari, whose
brother it was that died before passing to her the family secrets. After
finding the skull of the lost y'Bolgari, the necromancers of Magnagora
could not revive him without the rest of his remains. It wasn't until
the necromancer Vauraugli eventually charmed Selima into giving him a
piece of her brother that the Warlord Daevos Feyranti was able to find
the remains which were scattered across Nil itself. Then, they used
necromantic magics to revive Alaron y'Bolgari, the lost brother of
Selima. Alaron y'Bolgari struggled to create a potion to inoculate the
Necromentate from Kebira's ravishing, but he was too late.

Kebira n'Rotri completed her great ritual and merged with the
Necromentate, rising up as a gargantuan creature. Intent on destroying
Celest, she drew greedily upon the energies of Magnagora in order to
gain enough power to attack the Star of Celest itself. As she raged,
Magnagora became desperate to stop her as she drained the Megalith of
Doom and the blood of its citizens in her thirst for glory.

House n'Rotri had buried alive the surviving rival members of the other
Great Houses, and Snaikka i'Xiia managed to dig herself out and crawl
back to Magnagora. When the Warlord of Magnagora met with her, they put
aside their differences as Snaikka divulged the countermeasure necessary
to stop Kebira n'Rotri. Alaron y'Bolgari could prepare the trap, but he
needed ancient devices of the remaining Great Houses. A massive search
uncovered the other members who were buried alive, and the trap was
eventually able to be set.

The next time Kebira went to the Megalith of Doom to drain it of power,
the trap was sprung and ripped through her gargantuan size, shrinking
her to a smaller form. Still incredibly powerful, it took the full might
of Magnagora to finally defeat her.

Smoke still hangs over Magnagora as they pick up the pieces over this
debacle. Celest, who had been ignoring the troubles of Magnagora,
remains stunned after the attacks almost destroyed the Star of Celest.

And the Viscanti Great Houses move to take care of their own, as screams
sound out from within the Tower of House n'Rotri.

Penned by My hand on the 22nd of Juliary, in the year 137 CE.

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