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Events News Post #195

A Plague of Bandits

Written by: Anonymous
Date: Monday, May 31st, 2010
Addressed to: Everyone

The outraged shouts of Sako Tleem drew the attention of the Basin to the highways, where bandits harassed the defenseless dracnari on all sides. The combined forces of Hallifax and Glomdoring put an end to such villainy, though Sako insisted on continuing his route despite his rescuers' eagerness to defend.

Meanwhile, hints of something out of place began to filter through the Basin as Sako's passengers began to make themselves known. As Caifan n'Lochli berated his servant at the Megalith of Doom in Magnagora, the carriage was attacked for a second time, bringing Gaudiguch and Hallifax swiftly to aid. Suggestions of bodyguards were met by scorn by Kioul, cook extraordinaire, who swiftly nominated himself as bodyguard for Sako's beleaguered circuit.

But it was to no avail, for even as Kayde de'Unnero sought to aid Caifan n'Lochli in finding the carriage, it was attacked for a third time, severely damaging it, and leaving Sako, Kioul, and the second passenger, Maendwen Syllamn, stranded at the side of the road, fighting for their lives. As an overwhelming force arrived to fight off the bandits, it became clear that this was no ordinary robbery.

It became clear the carriage would need safe haven, and Sako protection from the elements. A timely suggestion from Tlarras Disati made the course of action clear: waystations would need to be founded to protect both the driver and his passengers from further harm. With an "Allez Cuisine!", a convocation of the best chefs in the Basin were called to the side of the marooned carriage, and the decision to use the ill-gotten gains of the bandits to fund the construction was made.

The fellows of the Basin began their task immediately, seeking out bandits along the roads only to be ambushed by their prey. However, they proved able and valiant, and it was Rika Talnara who delivered two small chests filled to the brim with stolen goods to chef Risadril Aeleris.

Very quickly, the bandits seemed to wisen up, ambushing less often. However, in a rare display of collective effort, a small team of hunters from around the Basin continued a dedicated circuit, and thanks to Sakr and Siam's research of the bandits' movements and behaviour, were able to swiftly deliver what valuables were found to the chefs who waited with Sako Tleem at the Toronada Bridge. Next to depart for the construction of her waystation was Barona Baruwski, followed shortly by Caifan n'Lochli and Yirchi Tsivx.

By the end of the long hunt, it was Magnagora, led by Kalas Malarious, who rose up against the bandits for the unprovoked slaying of one of their young. Working alongside Rika, they systematically hunted down the hordes of bandits and sent the remaining chefs on their separate ways. But as Troka Meatchopper, last of the chefs, departed the bridge, an ominous shadow fell over the young maiden Maendwen.

The screams of Maendwen pierced the air about Avechna's Peak as Sako and Celest raced to the rescue. There, on the Steps of Sacrifice, the bandits attempted one last stand before being slain by a party of Celestians. With the leader of the band slain, Sako and his chefs set about the repair of the carriage and the construction of the waystations, secure in the knowledge that, for now, the roads of the Basin were safe.

But questions remain. From where did the bandits come, and why? What visions does Yirchi see in his resinous smoke? Why has Maendwen Syllamn fled the Serenwilde, and what dastardly pursuits is Caifan n'Lochli up to?

Penned by My hand on the 10th of Kiani, in the year 266 CE.

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