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Events News Post #177

The Hottest Party since the Imperial Empire

Written by: Anonymous
Date: Monday, December 28th, 2009
Addressed to: Everyone

For the first time in her entire life, Scuchidira Tliwx found herself
agreeing with a lucidian, any lucidian but most especially Cririk Adom -
she had had enough of the Holy Celestine Empire. Unable to stand by
their refusal to side with Gaudiguch, Scuchidira Tliwx announced her
city's secession from the Holy Empire, and opened the gates of Gaudiguch
to any dracnari who wished to return home. One by one they filtered in,
many of the sordid sort that had once made the city an infamous haven
for hedonism and indulgence appearing in force - the first among was the
beastmaster Shibungi Iborchi, who came with Mistress Sayochi Xeth - an
experienced pleasure artist with a knack for gambling and a stash of
enough okorushi and cactus weed to keep Scuchidira Tliwx the High Flame
satiated for a very, very long time.

Excited at the promise of old enjoyments, Scuchidira Tliwx allowed
Sayochi to take over the Palace of Pleasure, who promptly set about
hiring staff to run the roulette wheels and blackjack tables. Deotathi
Miim came not long after, a gaggle of harlots and artists following
close behind. After it came to light that Deotathi was one of the few
producers of okorushi powder, Scuchidira let him take up ownership of
the Dapper Dashro, a charming bar on the border of the rich and poor
section of Gaudiguch, one that has had many centuries of sordid
intrigues - indeed, it was not long before rumours and gossip began to
flow through the streets of Gaudiguch of events that may or may not have
happened the night before, and rarely were two versions the same.

The Most Venerable Dairuchi, Shimotabi Xiim, arrived at the gates of
Gaudiguch - with a wave of his hand he declined citizenship, believing
it his place to remain in Dairuchi, unwilling to abandon the village he
had grown up in or his students who sought spiritual enlightenment. With
a second wave and a smile, he announced one of his former students, the
Insightful Yiratcho Chum, would be coming to Gaudiguch to take over the
House of Meditation, accompanied by three of his own students, hoping to
guide the citizenry of Gaudiguch to spiritual enlightenment. Excited by
the revellers who began to flood the gates, kegs upon their backs and
pipes in hand, Scuchidira let out a thunderous whoop that echoed across
the Basin of Life, deafening even the thunderous roar of celebrations
that began to erupt from the city of Gaudiguch.

Penned by My hand on the 8th of Shanthin, in the year 253 CE.

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