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Events News Post #150

A New Project at the Arthar'rt Observatory

Written by: Anonymous
Date: Wednesday, June 10th, 2009
Addressed to: Everyone

It all began when several lucidian astrologers each visited the nexus of
a city or commune. Hoping to garner some help and weasel out of their
own obligation, they told the people present about the construction work
going on at the Arthar'rt Observatory. Residents of Celest and the
communes quickly rushed to the Observatory to find out what was going
on. It was only in Magnagora that the astrologer sent to their nexus met
a more permanent and deadly fate at the hands of the Magngoran citizens
before he could pass on his message.

At the Arthar'rt Observatory, it was soon discovered that Rak'ia and
Etil'ck Arthar'rt had ordered the construction of several new rooms near
the top of the tower. While they remained vague about their purpose,
they promised to reward those that would help them obtain the white
marble that could only be found in the mountains. Even though many set
out to assist the lucidians, the white marble was rare and an immense
amount was needed to complete the rooms. As a result, construction
continued for almost an entire month.

When construction was finished, a lucidian by the name of Atrian Lerit'r
showed up at the Observatory, quickly claiming the rooms for his
laboratory. When asked about his experiment, he only proclaimed that it
would allow visits to faraway places. Places that were commonly thought
of as lost or forgotten, such as the grand city of Hallifax or even the
jewelled city of Climanti!

After the laboratory had been set up, Atrian invited Rak'ia and Etil'ck
to witness the first trial run of his teleportation device. A small
hiatus ensued when it was discovered that the construct had yet to be
powered correctly to work. However, people from all over the Basin of
Life were swift to assist Atrian and fix this small 'detail'. When the
teleporter was ready, Atrian asked for volunteers to step forward and
give his construct a try. While the first few teleportations were a
success, people arrived in seemingly random locations throughout the
Basin or even the ethereal plane! Rak'ia and Etil'ck Arthar'rt became
increasingly more discontent as they watched, as Atrian had promised
them to reach the lost city of Hallifax through his construct.

It was only after the final teleportation attempt by a lucidian
ascendant named Sarrasri that the teleporter suddenly overloaded and
exploded, sending clouds of ash and soot throughout the tower. Having
had enough of Atrian's false promises, Rak'ia and Etil'ck withdrew
angrily, returning to their own work. Atrian however remained, claiming
that it was only a small miscalculation and that he would rebuild the
teleporter and keep trying.

It yet remains to be seen whether Atrian can refine his teleporter
enough to reach the places of historical importance as he has set out to

Penned by My hand on the 24th of Shanthin, in the year 237 CE.

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