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Announce News Post #2544

Challenge of Chaos

Written by: Avechna, the Avenger
Date: Sunday, February 7th, 2016
Addressed to: Everyone

While the calamity from the Higher Gods and Dame Maeve slowly passed
like an ill-kept memory, attention turned once more to the impending
Trials of Ascension. For indeed, both the Seals of Nature and Dreams had
shattered in the assaults from the Dreaming, leaving the Basin of Life
once more in a precarious state of affairs. Golden energy imbued the
mighty Avechna's Peak as the Avenger made Himself known. Kethuru too
manifested Himself, as tendrils descended upon the First World while the
Soulless God scratched at the very dome of the heavens that kept Him
sealed away. Avechna informed all of the tasks ahead, and began by
issuing the first of the challenges: Chaos.

Hamsters flooded the Basin of Life, including the well-known Purple
Hamster of Chaos, which moved with the speed of cast-aside paradigms. In
the first few moments of the Trial, Marcella n'Lochli managed to capture
the violet rodent; however, the hamster switched hands to Kalas
Vladimere when the Lorewarden forgot the rules of the trial and slipped
under the cover of rooves. Yet, Marcella was able to regain possession
of the hamster once more, and held it for nearly the entire Trial that
is, until Falmiis Shevat was able to acquire the hamster. But no sooner
did the aeromancer capture Chaos itself did Kalas Malarious acquire it,
though he too lost purchase of the furry creature. Soon, Davos Pavok
tried his luck - only to fail not long after. It was then that Kalas
Ixion managed to capture the Hamster of Chaos, lasting until the end of
the Trial. Congratulations to Ixion, bearer of the Seal of Chaos!

The following prizes were also awarded:
Second Place (700 credits): Marcella n'Lochli, of Magnagora
Third Place (500 credits): Arimisia D'Cente, of Magnagora
Fourth Place (250 credits): Kalas Malarious, of Gaudiguch
Fifth Place (100 credits): Rivius Tarsuhl, of Serenwilde

Penned by My hand on the 22nd of Estar, in the year 434 CE.

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