Influencer for Mudlet

by Lilia

Back to Mechanic's Corner.

Fayneix2012-03-28 13:58:35
I see it is, but I have no reason for it. I removed old package, and installed the new one.
Lilia2012-03-28 21:23:56
I've imported it to a clean profile, and the only way I can replicate your issue is by having two copies of the system. The only thing I can think of is that you have a prompt occurring that is being gagged. Unfortunately, it turns I out I didn't completely fix the spamming, but it is fixed now. If an extra prompt was the problem, it should be fine now. I've also added echoes for when you analyze, telling you what they're weak and immune to. If this update doesn't fix it, please let me know!
Fayneix2012-03-29 13:08:32
Alright, I'll download it when I get home and give you a status update.
Unknown2012-06-06 04:16:21
ok I am a HUGE mudlet noob. What is GMCP and how do i turn it on/off ? And could I get the steps to set up this script? Because I do not know the drill for mudlet :(
Lilia2012-06-06 06:52:12
Haha, sorry, I was in a bad mood when I first posted this, so it's a lot snippier than I would usually be. GMCP is a way for the game to send information to Mudlet that coders can use in all sorts of awesome ways. To turn it on, you open settings, and go to the 'General' tab. Check the box to enable GMCP and then relog. To install, right click the link and save as, then open the package manager in Mudlet. It's on the bar at the top. Click install and find where you saved the xml.
Israafiyl2012-06-18 03:04:21
a beautiful piece of work, thank you!
Razeth2014-12-24 01:47:47

First off, sorry for the necro!! I know it's frowned on, but in my defense, this was the only hit from Google on the subject, and people might still be using this.


On that note, there needs to be an update to this, albiet a very simple one. Go to your triggers, and find, under the Influence group created by this little package, the "login" trigger. Replace the entire script content with the following:



Then you won't have to AB INFLUENCE every time you log in so you can use this. For some reason, the sendGMCP() function wasn't formatted correctly, even thought I literally copied and pasted from earlier comments, and nothing I could see in the entire package called for skill_finder(), so it was essentially useless. Anyhoo, influence on, and thank to Lilia for providing this in the first place!!