Lusternia Anniversary Events

by Unknown

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Unknown2012-10-01 03:43:12
This is a post detailing the events for the anniversary, so I don't have to keep looking it up on the main website.

Lusternia Eight Year Anniversary!

Lusternia began its journey eight years ago, opening its doors on October 7, 2004. What is more appropriate then to celebrate this momentous event with eight days of fun, games and surprises! Be sure to here during that time as there will sure to be something for everyone!

October 4, 2012 - Hamster Hunt

  • Time: 8:00 p.m. PST
  • Event: Hamster Hunt!
  • Prizes:

    • 1st - 300 credits
    • 2nd - 150 credits
    • 3rd - 50 credits

    Catch hamsters as they run around throughout the land! The rarer the hamster, the more points you get!

    October 5, 2012 - Treasure Hunt

    • Time: 8:00 p.m. PST
    • Event: Treasure Hunt
    • Prizes:

      • 1st - 300cr
      • 2nd - 150cr
      • 3rd - 50cr

      Figure out the clues to find special locations spread throughout the realm. The first to find the final location wins the hunt!

      October 6, 2012 - Wargames

      • Time: 11:00 a.m. PST
      • Event: Wargames (teams of 3)
      • Winners:

        • 1st - 300cr each
        • 2nd - 150cr each
        • 3rd- 50cr each

        Are you a master of in the field of battle? If so, get two other comrades together to join in the wargames!

        October 7, 2012 - Battlechess

        • Time: 11:00 a.m. PST
        • Event: Battlechess
        • Prize: Chess Board of Libertas

        Each city and commune may compete in this game that dates back to the time of the Elder Gods! The winning organization will receive the Chess Board of Libertas!

        October 8, 2012 - Quiz

        • Time: 6:00 p.m. PST
        • Event: Quiz
        • Prizes:

          • 1st - 300cr
          • 2nd - 150cr
          • 3rd - 50cr

          Test your knowledge of all things Lusternian!

          October 9, 2012 - Harmony Worldgame

          • Time: 9:00 p.m. PST
          • Event: Harmony Worldgame
          • Prizes:

            • 1st - 300cr
            • 2nd - 150cr
            • 3rd - 50cr

            Those who influence the most denizens of the land wins this peaceful tourney. The harder the denizen to influence, the more points awarded.

            October 10, 2012 - Death Worldgame

            • Time: 7:00 p.m. PST
            • Event: Death Worldgame
            • Prizes:

              • 1st - 300cr
              • 2nd - 150cr
              • 3rd - 50cr

              A simple tourney--kill anything that moves! The harder the kill, the more points awarded.

              October 11, 2012 - Vengeance Tournament

              • Time: 7:00 p.m. PST
              • Event: Vengeance Tourament
              • Prizes:

                • 500cr divided among all survivors

                Participate in a bout of Vengeance! Who will survive?

                Note: All dates and times are in PST (and not GMT).

Looks fun!

Particularly excited about Vengeance, Death event, and Wargames.
Eventru2012-10-01 03:53:27
I'm excited for Vengeance the most, I think!

I suspect I'll be rooting for the Serial Killer... :D
Kagato2012-10-01 05:47:51
I'm a little disappointed that so many events clash with my lectures, but those are the breaks. I'll just have to see which ones I CAN make it to.
Xiel2012-10-01 05:49:32
Must work hard to renew my status as the Anniversary King!

*polish glasses* Quiz, here I come.
Unknown2012-10-01 06:05:21
I knew I should have paid attention when my father asked if I wanted to learn how to play chess. :(
Kagato2012-10-01 06:13:22
Don't worry too much, there is an element of PVP combat involved in battlechess, for example a King can voluntarily engage a piece within typical range (1 square radius) but if they lose the fight against their opponent, their side will still lose the match.

Usually when the side that is playing makes a valid attack against a piece from the opposing side, they take that piece and their chesspiece occupys that square. In battlechess the two 'pieces' need to physically combat, meaning that the defender may not necessarily be knocked out.
Neos2012-10-01 06:51:40

I knew I should have paid attention when my father asked if I wanted to learn how to play chess. :(

You really don't need to know much chess, if any at all, to play battlechess. It's largely about either your ability to kill someone or how well you can survive.
Unknown2012-10-01 09:37:15
Hamster hunt, yay. Quiz, WOO! Time to study. ^_^ And by study, I mean randomly assault people with requests that they ask me anything about Lusternia.
Unknown2012-10-01 10:07:48
Fun times. I wish I was better at the lore side of things, but I guess I can just go kill random people/things and win that way, too! :)
Estarra2012-10-01 21:12:41

You really don't need to know much chess, if any at all, to play battlechess. It's largely about either your ability to kill someone or how well you can survive.

Well, really, it does help for the King to know at least the fundamentals of chess and is at least moderately good at strategy. There is some advantage!

(Of course, the other lowly pieces need not know anything! Everyone is but a lowly pawn to the King's commands!)
Enyalida2012-10-01 21:36:44
Hehe. Or to have a queen who can charge the king directly!
Lavinya2012-10-03 04:18:11
My timezone blows! In other news, Hoping to make it to Vengeance, super excited to see it in the lineup.
Esano2012-10-03 05:44:01
Because of the three-minute limit, your king needs to have a good offense (as the movement is limited and defensive, and they need to kill attackers within 3m or die) and your queen works well with a top defence (as the movement is aggressive, and they just need to last for 3m to kill the target). Obviously, someone who's got good offense and defence is good too!
Veyrzhul2012-10-04 10:31:49
Are the trans low/high magic skills (and possibly some others) banned for battlechess? If not, we'll be seeing a regular game of chess, pretty much.
Kagato2012-10-05 01:45:09
Any idea if the Hamster Hunt is going to be PK Permitted or a "peaced" one?
Zvoltz2012-10-05 02:25:42

Any idea if the Hamster Hunt is going to be PK Permitted or a "peaced" one?

It is going to be No PK.
Xenthos2012-10-05 02:30:30

It is going to be No PK.

Is it still allowed to gather a ton of hamsters and then heartstop in a room with a closed door so someone else can nab them all?
Zvoltz2012-10-05 02:39:10

Is it still allowed to gather a ton of hamsters and then heartstop in a room with a closed door so someone else can nab them all?

The hamster hunt will be no sharing.
Enyalida2012-10-05 02:51:33
That closed room thing is the traditional way to side-step no sharing, yeah?
Shikari2012-10-05 02:54:12

* For NOsharing hamsters:
* When you pick up a hamster, it disappears, and your score increases.