Celina Ascending

by Tacita

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Tacita2012-09-13 10:57:54
Apologies for not being able to post this in colour. Hopefully it is nonetheless legible and enjoyable :) Mad props again to all the ritualists!

ETA: Thank you to Drayl for sending me the bits my log chopped off the end!


You have emoted: Tacita claps her hands together soundly three times, calling the gathered to silent attention.

You say, "Good morning, Glomdoring. Thank you all for attending."

The very air within your immediate surroundings grows heavy with a palpable tension, pressing against your body, as you sense the presence of the Predator enter the vicinity, seemingly from all sides. A shiver crawls up your spine as you feel His gaze bore into the back of your skull.

You proclaim, "Several years ago now, the power of the Master Ravenwood swelled to the point where we became able to consider raising a new ascendant to serve alongside Sidd Ysav'rai and Vadi Stormcrow. We stand here now on this day as the ensuing search for a true servant of the Wyrd comes to fruition."

With a small smile, you say, "I know that Celina will be the first to admit that her faith in the Wyrd has waned at times. Yet I believe that it is this knowledge of the rest of the world that makes her presence here, her devotion, all the stronger. For it is with this experience that she comes before us today and swears her faith in the Wyrd anew."

The surrounding shadows convulse, grasping outwards in joyful anticipation as Nocht, the Silent steps forth from the aether.

Drayl bows respectfully to Nocht.

Nocht inclines His head politely to those around Him.

You have emoted: Tacita turns to face Celina.

Nilofer bows respectfully to Nocht.

Skye kneels before Nocht, swearing his allegiance to Him.

You state, "Yet your worthiness is judged not only by one person, nor only by the Shadow Court. Your worthiness is judged only by the Wyrd itself, and they stand here before you ready to call you worthy."

You have emoted: Tacita gestures first to Drayl.

Drayl nods solemnly to you.

Princess Celina, The Heartless inclines her head in acknowledgement.

Wyrden Ravager Drayl Ysav'rai, Votary of Spider turns to face Celina.

Wyrden Ravager Drayl Ysav'rai, Votary of Spider clasps his hands in front of him, bowing deeply to Celina.

Rising from his bow, Wyrden Ravager Drayl Ysav'rai, Votary of Spider says to Celina, "Defender of the Wyrd, as you rise to be Glomdoring's next Vernal Ascendant, hold in your heart the values of Grandmother Scorpion."

Wyrden Ravager Drayl Ysav'rai, Votary of Spider says to Celina, "She is Perfection, pure and simple. She is the speed of the Wasp, the one who strikes surely, swiftly, and decisively into her opponent. No mercy, no regrets."

Wyrden Ravager Drayl Ysav'rai, Votary of Spider says to Celina, "She is the innovation of the Beetle, the one who creates new techniques to confound and confuse the enemy. Tirelessly, she works to better herself in mind and in body."

Wyrden Ravager Drayl Ysav'rai, Votary of Spider says to Celina, "She is the stealth of the Bat, who never fears the unseen and whose ways shroud her actions from her prey."

Wyrden Ravager Drayl Ysav'rai, Votary of Spider says to Celina, "And She is the preparedness of the Spider, who patiently and carefully weaves her deadly web, ensnaring her opponents in her beautiful and inescapable embrace."

Wyrden Ravager Drayl Ysav'rai, Votary of Spider says to Celina, "Grandmother Scorpion is the deadliest combatant."

Drayl ceases to wield a scaly, blackened claw in his left hand.

Drayl ceases to wield a scaly, blackened claw in his right hand.

Wyrden Ravager Drayl Ysav'rai, Votary of Spider's brow furrow with intense concentration as he throws his nekai at Celina. They stop just short of her, powerful psionic energy slowly emanating from them as they hover in the air.

Wyrden Ravager Drayl Ysav'rai, Votary of Spider quickly extends two fingers, giving his right hand a quick flick. A surge of psionic power cause the nekai to fly twice around Celina, catching on her arms the second time. Long, shallow cuts quickly form on Celina's arms, stretching from her elbows down to her wrists. The nekai stop behind her shoulders, slowly wafting as if sharp, deadly wings.

Wyrden Ravager Drayl Ysav'rai, Votary of Spider says to Celina, "Scorpion's claws shall never release their grip. Her will is unshakable. May you find the strength always to pursue your prey with the drive of Scorpion. Once your hands have tasted their flesh, then may you finish them swiftly, with power and with grace."

Wyrden Ravager Drayl Ysav'rai, Votary of Spider slowly extends his arms forwards, making a swimming motion. He stops when they are full extended and parallel to the ground, before quickly dropping into a squat, his right leg fully extended. The nekai swoop around Celina twice more before twisting between her legs, the combined psionic energy briefly projecting a scorpion's tail behind her.

Wyrden Ravager Drayl Ysav'rai, Votary of Spider lifts his head, his eyes following the upward movement of the nekai. He crosses his arms over his chest, as if in prayer, causing the nekai above Celina's head to stop and hover once more.

Wyrden Ravager Drayl Ysav'rai, Votary of Spider says to Celina, "Her strike is deadly, her venom fatal. Grandmother Scorpion holds power over our emotion and our action. She is our wrath, our passion. She holds the power of judgement over others, through mercy or through death. Yet she is the enchantress that piques our senses with the exotic and unknown."

Wyrden Ravager Drayl Ysav'rai, Votary of Spider slowly rises, dropping his arms with a graceful, controlled fashion. A solemn nod of his head causes the nekai to slowly float back to his hands. With a barely inaudible pop, the psionic pressure dissipates, allowing the breeze to blow here once again.

Drayl begins to wield a scaly, blackened claw in his left hand.

Drayl begins to wield a scaly, blackened claw in his right hand.

Wyrden Ravager Drayl Ysav'rai, Votary of Spider produces a glimmering beryl gem from the shadows. He holds it between two of his fingers, the dim light catching on the gem for a brief moment.

Wyrden Ravager Drayl Ysav'rai, Votary of Spider says to Celina, "Will you serve the Wyrd through your faith and through your blood?"

Darkly, Princess Celina, The Heartless says, "Absolutely."

Drayl gives a beryl gem to Princess Celina, The Heartless.

Wyrden Ravager Drayl Ysav'rai, Votary of Spider says to Celina, "You have proven yourself worthy to Grandmother Scorpion by earning your station."

Bowing, Wyrden Ravager Drayl Ysav'rai, Votary of Spider says to Celina, "On behalf of the Cult of the Scorpion, I bless you, Vernal Ascendant."

Wyrden Ravager Drayl Ysav'rai, Votary of Spider turns to face the crowd, and bows to them briefly before rising.

You notice Drayl casually stepping backwards. In the blink of an eye, he appears to have left the location.

You have emoted: Tacita turns and raises a hand again, gesturing now to Skye.

Skye nods his head.

Skye, K'wala oari D'ur'u'i steps up and stands before Celina, facing the group.

Addressing the congregation, Skye, K'wala oari D'ur'u'i says, "We are here to raise our Princess Celina to Ascendancy, binding her inexorably with the magics of mighty Glomdoring."

Skye, K'wala oari D'ur'u'i says to Celina, "This is no small gift. To give you this blessing is not only to call you a champion of our forest, but a champion of our ways, and the embodiment of our lore."

Spreading feathered wings slowly, Skye, K'wala oari D'ur'u'i says, "On the part of the Great Spirit Crow, this means you aspire to live the teachings of his four Aspects."
Brennan Stormcrow exclaims, "Crow! Mighty Crow! Glorious Crow!"
Brennan Stormcrow grovels pathetically in the dirt.

Skye, K'wala oari D'ur'u'i raises a vial into the air for all to see for a moment, then lowers it.

Unstoppering the vial, Skye, K'wala oari D'ur'u'i says, "Blood Thirst teaches us to tame our wild spirits, so we do not fly towards our goals unchecked."

Skye, K'wala oari D'ur'u'i forms a cup with his free hand.

Pouring some blood from the vial into the cupped hand, Skye, K'wala oari D'ur'u'i says, "To take Blood Thirst into your heart means to master yourself, to perfect yourself so that nothing is beyond your grasp."

Skye, K'wala oari D'ur'u'i pockets the vial and brings his hands together, spreading the blood across them in a very shallow pool, which he holds before Celina.

Skye, K'wala oari D'ur'u'i says to Celina, "Look here. Can you see your reflection?"

Princess Celina, The Heartless nods once.

Skye, K'wala oari D'ur'u'i says to Celina, "Look to yourself and say you will apply Dark Spirit to every part of your life."

Looking into the cupped hands, Princess Celina, The Heartless says, "I will apply Dark Spirit to every part of my life."

Skye, K'wala oari D'ur'u'i walks in a circle around Celina, letting droplets of blood fall from his hands to the ground around her as he walks.

Skye utters a loud and harsh series of caws.

Skye, K'wala oari D'ur'u'i produces a black rose from his pocket, and holds it before Celina.

Skye, K'wala oari D'ur'u'i says, "Where Blood Thirst teaches us to master our desires, Black Sorrow teaches us to master our emotions."

Skye, K'wala oari D'ur'u'i says to Celina, "There are those who know you as 'Heartless,' but it is not enough to have a heart of stone. For Brother Crow, power comes from knowing the trills and pains of emotion. It comes from the ability to persevere even with a heavy heart, and remain ever vigilent even in times of peace and comfort."
Brennan Stormcrow exclaims, "Crow! Mighty Crow! Glorious Crow!"
Brennan Stormcrow grovels pathetically in the dirt.

Tearing petals from the rose one by one, the blood left on his hands smearing onto the pieces, Skye, K'wala oari D'ur'u'i says, "Say, then, that will you will allow yourself the rich experience of emotion, and ever know how to overcome it."

With mild discomfort in her voice, Princess Celina, The Heartless says, "I shall allow myself the experiences of emotion, and ever know how to overcome them."

Skye, K'wala oari D'ur'u'i walks again around Celina, dropping the torn petals over where the blood had fallen.

Shikari's eyes sparkle with amusement.

Skye utters a loud and harsh series of caws.

Skye, K'wala oari D'ur'u'i draws a spiderweb from his pocket, a crow's shadow caught within its strands.

Skye, K'wala oari D'ur'u'i says to Celina, "False Memory demands that we learn from our past. More than calling former shortcomings meaningless, we must look to them so we may have a stronger future. Let the shadows of your past not be heavy burdens, but your companions."

Carefully pulling the shadow from the web, and holding it while it writhes, Skye, K'wala oari D'ur'u'i says, "If you this of Crow's Aspect, then say that you will never forget what has come before, and that you will use all your knowledge to grow Glomdoring's future."
Brennan Stormcrow exclaims, "Crow! Mighty Crow! Glorious Crow!"
Brennan Stormcrow grovels pathetically in the dirt.

Princess Celina, The Heartless says, "I will never forget what has come before, and I will use this knowledge for Glomdoring's future."

Skye, K'wala oari D'ur'u'i whispers inaudibly to the shadow, and drops it at Celina's feet, where it begins to circle wildly around the ring of rose petals.

Skye utters a loud and harsh series of caws.

Skye, K'wala oari D'ur'u'i reaches again into his pocket, and withdraws a Crow's Feather.

Skye, K'wala oari D'ur'u'i says to Celina, "Finally, then is Dark Spirit. This is perhaps the most applicable tonight, as Dark Spirit is Crow's Perfection, which He knows because of the Wyrd. In becoming our Ascendant, you too are to know this same perfection - the spirit of Glomdoring."
Brennan Stormcrow exclaims, "Crow! Mighty Crow! Glorious Crow!"
Brennan Stormcrow grovels pathetically in the dirt.

Tracing the feather's tip through the air in arcane patterns, Skye, K'wala oari D'ur'u'i says, "Tell me, Princess, is your purpose one with the Wyrd? Do you hear the calling of Crow in your very soul?"
Brennan Stormcrow exclaims, "Crow! Mighty Crow! Glorious Crow!"
Brennan Stormcrow grovels pathetically in the dirt.

Nodding once, Princess Celina, The Heartless says, "My purpose is one with the Wyrd, and I can always hear the call of Brother Crow within."

Skye utters a loud and harsh series of caws.

Skye, K'wala oari D'ur'u'i drops the feather to the ground at Celina's feet. The shadow streaks towards it and binds to it. The feather then rises into the air and begins spiraling around Celina, drawing the rose petals and droplets up blood towards it as it moves The collection of items forms into the shape of a crow, which circles Celina one final time before flying away into the branches of the Master Ravenwood, cawing loudly.

Skye, K'wala oari D'ur'u'i says to Celina, "Crow has taken your words to the Master Ravenwood. May your never forget your promises to the Wyrd."
Brennan Stormcrow exclaims, "Crow! Mighty Crow! Glorious Crow!"
Brennan Stormcrow grovels pathetically in the dirt.

Skye, K'wala oari D'ur'u'i nods to you and steps back.

You have emoted: Tacita tucks her viola under her chin and nods to Sidd.

Sidd tucks his mandolin in his arm and begins to play a slow, pulsing melody.

In a melodious mezzo-soprano, Sidd sings, "There is no beauty like Glomdoring's dark! Insidious as whispers on the breeze, and intricate as tendrils in the bark shot deep by twisted vines that choke the trees..."

With a rising tempo, Sidd sings, "The Forest Without Mercy works its way into the breast, the marrow and the bone, compels the heart, entangled, to obey."

Sidd leads the instrumental refrain with a deep, thrumming melody that resonates around the lowest of the mandolin's glowering tones.

You have emoted: Tacita matches the melody with a pulsing rhythm, half bowed and half beaten from the strings of the viola.

In a discordant tone, Sidd sings, "Until all fickle pride is overgrown like sickly gardens by ferocious weeds of virile root and redolent with flower."

You sing, "Ensnared within the web, each creature feeds the Forest, and becomes part of its power."

Sidd moves to circle Celina, continuing his melody with plucking of the strings.

You have emoted: Tacita moves to circle Celina, continuing her rhythm with bow and string.

Sidd sings, "There is no summons like Glomdoring's call."

Eyes glowing with fervour, you sing, "The ravening of Blood Thirst in the veins, the raucous caws of carrion crows that squall as they descend upon their prey's remains."

Sidd sings, "Once beckoned to the hunt with barghest's howls, the Murder's outstretched wings blot out the skies and pouring from the Ebon Wyrdling's bowels."

Voice rising, you sing, "With axe and club, fierce warriors rain demise, their hands not stayed by mercy nor by doubt, fighting to see the dark beauty unfurled."

Sidd raises his eyes to the sky and the shadows thrum in chorus with the Harbingers' song.

As the accompaniment rises to a crescendo, Sidd sings, "Dark Spirit's promise kept to the devout..."

Red eyes glowing, Sidd states, "The Wyrd devouring the heathen world."

Sidd begins to whisper a haunting melody as numerous glittering shadows being to swarm about his form. He reaches out to place his hand upon Celina's chest, his brow furrowing as if searching for something.

You begin to whisper a haunting melody as a myriad of glittering shadows begin to coalesce about your form. You slowly place your hand upon Celina's heart, testing its rhythm.

You have emoted: Tacita lowers her viola and steps back again, smiling softly.

Sidd steps back into the crowd, lowering his mandolin to his side.

You say, "The Princess stands already as a paragon of the Shadowdance Coven, and their support of her does not require reinstatement. However, there is another loyalty to which the Princess owes fealty that she would reswear before the commune. By dint of patronage, this oath has been bound also to the oath of the Ebonguard."

You have emoted: Tacita turns and nods her head at Xenthos.

Xenthos drops the corpse of a black-scaled skara.

Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist contemplates Celina, his expression twisting into a snarl as he slowly begins to whirl his bardiche in the air. Gathering speed as it spins, the weapon begins to keen with a piercing screech as it cuts through the air. He thrusts the tip towards Celina once, then again, a pair of matching lines appearing on her cheeks. Red droplets streak through the air to land on the forest floor, quickly vanishing as they are consumed by the Forest.

Gaze riveted on Celina, Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist says, "Slaughter. Death. You are well-versed in these pursuits. You will need them."

Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist cleanly slashes the blade of the keening weapon through the chest of the skara, the flesh separating with a spray of blood. He brings his weapon to a halt, standing upright as bright red ribbons trickle down the blade. Bending forward, he shoves a mailed hand through the gap and with a wrenching tug pulls out the skara's heart.

Holding the heart up before Celina, Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist says, "This is what our enemies are reduced to." He clenches his fist, the heart bulging between his fingers. "Lumps of bloody carrion. Fading memories, fading dreams..." He squeezes furthur, until it ruptures in his hand. "Eventually, nothing."

Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist reaches forward with a finger, smearing the heart's blood on Celina's face. Building around the two slashes carved in her skin, he draws a rough pair of fangs. "You are a predator of the Glomdoring. Never forget the true meaning of this. You are being granted power in order to serve this Forest and its people, with your very life if necessary. To see its enemies broken, even if it is with your final breath."

Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist takes a step back, critically examining Celina. He nods once, in satisfaction. "It is time for you to cast off your mortal frame, Celina. It is time to be reborn, through the Glomdoring's might. Serve well, and remember this always: Nothing Matters but Glomdoring.

Xenthos swings an elegant black steel bardiche finished with golden webbing at Celina. Xenthos brutally pounds her chest, and her ribs snap under the force of the blow.

Xenthos wildly jabs an elegant black steel bardiche finished with golden webbing at Celina. Xenthos's face flashes as he pushes the tip of his bardiche through Celina's weakened chest cavity. Celina grabs senselessly at the weapon, trying to prevent its path through her, but it obliterates muscle and bone with ease and erupts through his back in a spray of gore. Tensing with exertion, Xenthos lifts her flailing body off the ground and lets it slide down the shaft of his weapon, bringing Celina's face to his own as a last spattered breath sprays blood over him. Celina slides off the weapon and collapses to the ground in a heap of blood and guts, her chest now only a gaping hole.
Celina has been slain by Xenthos.

Xenthos's eyes glow a radiant white as he exhales the pure energies of the Domotheos of Life onto Celina. As the energies wash over her soul, a new body forms, restoring her to life.

Xenthos nods his head at you.

You have emoted: Tacita turns her gaze to Celina, nodding her head curtly.

You say to Celina, "Thus do the guilds speak for you. Thus does your Pack speak for you. Thus does your blood so here spilt speak for you. What have you to say for yourself?"

Princess Celina, The Heartless remains silent for a moment before turning her dark eyes towards the gathering.

Princess Celina, The Heartless says, "I shall endeavour to serve better than I did the day before, but not as well as I will the next. For the rest of my days, I shall strive to repay an impossible debt, to live up to an impossible trust. As Vadi represents Glomdoring's Wyrden Flesh, and Sidd Glomdoring's Dark Heart, I accept this mantle, to stand as Glomdoring's Merciless Spirit. Such is my oath, for I am nothing without Glomdoring."

Shikari, the Predator crosses His arms over His chest, watching Celina intently.

Princess Celina, The Heartless says, "My past is no secret to this forest, for I have learned the meaning of trust beneath the Wyrden branches of this forest. You have taught me humility, where many...many, many, many have failed. You have caught me when I have stumbled. It is time that I return these great favors."

You have emoted: Tacita turns to face the gathered crowd and raises her hands before her.
You exclaim, "Glomdoring! You have heard the support of the guilds for this candidate. You have heard the oaths of her faith. You have heard her own statement of fealty. Only one judgement remains to be given - that of the Wyrd itself!"

You unlock the powers of the Master Ravenwood Tree for Celina.
Celina steps towards the Master Ravenwood Tree and places her hands on it, causing it to creak and groan wildly as she drinks of its shadowy essence. Thrumming power fills the air and pours through her mortal coil, swathing her body in oily shadows. The ethereal, haunting forms of the Great Spirits briefly fill the air around the Master Ravenwood Tree, chief among them Mother Night and Brother Crow, as Celina is suffused by incredible powers, and rises as a Vernal Ascendant!

A new Ascendant rises! By decree of Dark Regent Tacita and with full support of the Shadow Court, let it be known that the Free Alliance of Glomdoring has this day imbued Celina with the energies of the Master Ravenwood Tree, raising a Vernal Ascendant!

Drawing herself up to her full height, Ragniliff raises a balled fist into the air and proudly shouts out, "F'ai Glomdoring!"

You see Princess Celina, The Heartless shout, "Nothing Matters but Glomdoring!"

You shout, "Glory be to Glomdoring!"

You see Sidd shout, "Glory be to the Glomdoring!"

You see Druid Johan Shee-Slaugh, Apostle of Crow shout, "Glory be to Glomdoring!"

You see Crek Ysav'rai shout, "Glory be to Glomdoring!"

You see Spirit Warden Xenthos An'Ryshe, the Ebon Strategist shout, "Glory be to the Glomdoring."

You see Wyrden Ravager Drayl Ysav'rai, Votary of Spider shout, "Glory be to Glomdoring!"

You see Skye, K'wala oari D'ur'u'i shout, "Glory be to Glomdoring!"

You see Ragniliff Stormcrow shout, "Glory be to Glomdoring!"

You see Penumbra Akuno Nightshade, Servant of Wisdom shout, "Glory be to the Glomdoring!"

Shikari smirks.

Huntress Janalon Llaewell of the Drunken Claw shouts, "Glory be to Glomdoring!"

The ghost of a smile passes fleetingly across Nocht's lips.

You bow respectfully to Celina.

Sidd says to Celina, "Congratulations."

Akuno bows respectfully to Celina.

Drayl bows respectfully to Celina.

Princess Celina, The Heartless says, "Thank you all."

Penumbra Akuno Nightshade, Servant of Wisdom says to Celina, "Congratulations."

Sidd inclines his head politely to those around him.

Sidd bows respectfully to Nocht.

Shikari, the Predator fixes Celina with a pointed stare.

You see Nilofer Ysav'rai shout, "Glory be to Glomdoring!"

Nocht, the Silent whispers, "Serve the Wyrd well, little one."

The surrounding shadows wane, falling back in despondent melancholy as the form of Nocht, the Silent dissolves into wisps of shadow.

Shikari, the Predator snarls, "Continue to serve as you have, and kill as you have."

Akuno kneels onto one knee, demonstrating his humility and respect.

Princess Celina, The Heartless says to Shikari, "For the Pack and the Glomdoring, Lord Predator."

A redolent aroma envelops Celina as a gentle breeze wafts striking petals of carnelian hue about her, fluttering gaily like streamers on the wind.

The tension lifts and the sounds of life return as Shikari, the Predator fades seamlessly into the aether.
Unknown2012-09-13 11:46:38
Death can be painful enough without the gender confusion. :D
Xenthos2012-09-13 11:49:39
Your loss!

Edit: I do so love this part, though.
Xenthos wildly jabs an elegant black steel bardiche finished with golden webbing at Celina. Xenthos's face flashes as he pushes the tip of his bardiche through Celina's weakened chest cavity. Celina grabs senselessly at the weapon, trying to prevent its path through her, but it obliterates muscle and bone with ease and erupts through his back in a spray of gore. Tensing with exertion, Xenthos lifts her flailing body off the ground and lets it slide down the shaft of his weapon, bringing Celina's face to his own as a last spattered breath sprays blood over him. Celina slides off the weapon and collapses to the ground in a heap of blood and guts, her chest now only a gaping hole.
Celina has been slain by Xenthos.

(Even if there is a gender bug in there)
Unknown2012-09-13 12:11:38

(too bitter; didn't care) @ Seren post
Unknown2012-09-13 12:59:47
In this instance, it's more a "no hope for humanity" kind of feeling.
Ssaliss2012-09-13 13:02:08

Your loss!

Edit: I do so love this part, though.
Xenthos wildly jabs an elegant black steel bardiche finished with golden webbing at Celina. Xenthos's face flashes as he pushes the tip of his bardiche through Celina's weakened chest cavity. Celina grabs senselessly at the weapon, trying to prevent its path through her, but it obliterates muscle and bone with ease and erupts through his back in a spray of gore. Tensing with exertion, Xenthos lifts her flailing body off the ground and lets it slide down the shaft of his weapon, bringing Celina's face to his own as a last spattered breath sprays blood over him. Celina slides off the weapon and collapses to the ground in a heap of blood and guts, her chest now only a gaping hole.
Celina has been slain by Xenthos.

(Even if there is a gender bug in there)

Hmm. I honestly can't find the gender bug in there... Unless you're referring to "bringing Celina's face to his own as a last spattered breath sprays blood over him"? I read that as Celina bleeding on you.
Xenthos2012-09-13 13:22:20

Hmm. I honestly can't find the gender bug in there... Unless you're referring to "bringing Celina's face to his own as a last spattered breath sprays blood over him"? I read that as Celina bleeding on you.

"but it obliterates muscle and bone with ease and erupts through his back in a spray of gore."
Rancoura2012-09-13 13:24:25
Edit: What Xenthos said.
Lerad2012-09-13 13:52:00
In this instance, it's more a "no hope for humanity" kind of feeling.

If you came to Glomdoring, maybe we'd descend Celina and raise you! God knows you must be a better seren-griefer than Celina is if they haven't ascended you after all these years.
Unknown2012-09-13 13:57:36
Xenthos2012-09-13 14:07:00
When it cost less; once they realized they'd have to pay more for you, they were pretty quick to walk that back.

I don't really know why you're being so bitter / angsty today, but hit-and-run reduces my interest in holding back / playing nice.

Alternatively, you could just let people enjoy a thread that isn't about you.

I know, it's a lot to ask. :(
Unknown2012-09-13 14:11:44
You're absolutely right. The part where you killed Celina was pretty good.

(Wrong about that other stuff, but it's all a matter of perspectives, so you're forgiven.)
Xenthos2012-09-13 14:13:35
Well, if it's not too much to ask, why are you still here? :P
Unknown2012-09-13 14:14:45
I'm allowed to post my $0.02 now and then, even if it is in disagreement with your own view.
Xenthos2012-09-13 14:26:04
If it really makes you feel better about yourself to exude bitterness in every forum post you make, then I suppose you should carry on with your "two cents".

Unfortunately, that's the kind of thing that just feeds on itself-- and it has been doing so to you for years.
Unknown2012-09-13 14:31:51
It just boggles the mind that you all agreed she's loyal, dutiful, etc, enough to warrant FOUR MILLION POWER.

And, yes, that ritual was so very long, which was all I was saying initially.

You're welcome to keep calling me bitter or angsty or whatever the term is these days... if it makes you feel better. I've seen the same from you and yours, anyway. ;)
Xenthos2012-09-13 14:38:41
Pretty sure you haven't seen me raining all over someone else's parade like that; usually I just shake my head and move on.

I also am quite happy to keep calling you bitter when you're so intent on proving it.

PS: People voted for her, we have plenty of power, and she does more for us than you do for Seren. Why not raise her?
Unknown2012-09-13 14:40:42
P.S. You have no idea what I do or do not do for Seren or anyone else.
Xenthos2012-09-13 14:44:02

P.S. You have no idea what I do or do not do for Seren or anyone else.

A lot of do not, a lot of bitter stuff on the forums, a lot of bitter stuff on Facebook. I mean, even your Seren-"buddies" shake their heads at you there-- entirely due to your attitude.

Whatever you may think, your attitude really does seep through into both your actions and your posts. You might really want to take a step back and consider how much a "game" is affecting you, whether you think it is or not.

Take a few deep breaths, play the game for the game. If other people are having fun that doesn't affect you, let 'em. There's no need to try to put them down.
Iosai2012-09-13 14:48:30
Okay guys, let's keep the feuding out of what should be a happy thread.