Today's UStream

by Unknown

Back to The Real World.

Unknown2012-09-14 18:56:53
Bit of a noob question, but I haven't seen any connection information for Lusternia's UStream. I've not done this before, thus the /noob.

Unknown2012-09-14 19:09:28
Unknown2012-09-14 19:23:17
Oh. >_>
Unknown2012-09-14 19:47:29
Totally forgot it was today. What time does it start? (BST preferred.)
Unknown2012-09-14 20:17:44
3pm pst I think
Unknown2012-09-14 20:28:04
Sweet. Thanks, hon.
Eventru2012-09-14 20:51:08
It'll be in an hour and ten minutes from this post.
Ssaliss2012-09-14 21:09:11
A bit of constructive criticism: I know I, and I suspect many others, don't really keep track of PST/EST/whatever other timezone code out there is related to GMT, so could you please also post the GMT times in announce posts, since that's the only timezone you can see from in-game (by using TIME)?
Eventru2012-09-14 21:58:38

A bit of constructive criticism: I know I, and I suspect many others, don't really keep track of PST/EST/whatever other timezone code out there is related to GMT, so could you please also post the GMT times in announce posts, since that's the only timezone you can see from in-game (by using TIME)?

We used to, but it lead to some confusion as to what day was meant, etc etc. Now we prefer to post in Pacific, because this way we know exactly what time we mean, and so do most (though admittedly not all) of our players do.

This tool will help in those kinds of situations (though generally most players are happy to help you out!).
Noola2012-09-15 12:30:47
GMT confuses me to death. :lol: