Potential new essence dump?

by Svana

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Svana2012-06-28 20:02:43
Kay, I love Lusternia. I really do. I spend hundreds upon hundreds of my hard-earned dollars on the game, and I have very minimal regrets about this (crazy, I know). Buuut... I'm as indecisive as they come, and I know plenty of other people who are the same way.

Would it be too far out to ask for a way to convert essence into lessons? Like... 50,000 essence for one lesson (putting it at 85,750,000 essence to fully trans a skill), so demigods with limited budgets could still make progress?
Ssaliss2012-06-28 21:17:14
While I would love to see this, I can't see it being in their best interest to reduce credit sales.Because, when it all comes down to it, that's what you're asking for.
Svana2012-06-28 22:23:16
Then give us more wonderful artifact to purchase. Relying on credits for basic necessities like lessons is little more than a nuisance that slowly whittles away at the games appeal.
Unknown2012-06-29 01:34:31
That's kind of the point of a play for perks model, which, coincidentally, is also why Lusternia is free to play.

Tbh, it's ridiculously easy to amass lessons nowadays with wheel spins and lesson packages. Buy a ton of either next time those roll around and you'll be set.
Kagato2012-06-29 03:36:24
The key issue is that not everyone can factor lesson/credit packages into their budget.

I personally am living hand-to-mouth on a week by week basis and struggling to pay my bills - if it were not for the fact that internet is covered in my rent, it would be the first expense to go. I sure as heck can't even THINK about buying any kind of packages if I want to make sure I can cover my bills. That being said, I was able to place in the great hunt a while back and earned myself 300 credits which was a massive help.
Unknown2012-06-29 04:46:24
There is a time investment and a money investment involved if you want to play Lusternia on a level past casual.

If you don't want to invest money, then you should invest in time.

Time = guiding, mortal building, bashing, bardics, artisinals, etc. for credits/lessons.
Riluna2012-06-29 05:01:23
Not exactly something to plan on for credits, but teach and mentor enough newbies, and you tend to get a couple fantastic surprises from time to time!
Unknown2012-06-29 05:20:03
Yes, one of the few remaining e-goals in my life revolve around mentoring the Next Big Credit Whore.
Riluna2012-06-29 05:22:42
Wrong way to go about it. Just saying it happens. :)
Unknown2012-06-29 19:41:54
Estarra already said in no uncertain terms that essence -> lessons will never happen, and I can hardly blame IRE for that. I do wish that IRE would increase the number of lessons credits give, however, since skills, not artifacts, are THE major barrier to entry.

That said, just playing the game long enough will get you all the credits you need for skills, especially with event artifacts. It's just a matter of patience.