Updated system for zmud/mushclient?

by Aldani

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Aldani2012-04-02 06:51:29
Are there any available systems for zmud or mushclient which are regularly updated? I don't mind paying, of course, but I am entirely set on it being for one of those two clients, and support/updates are also necessary. If you are the creator of such a system or know someone who is, please send me a PM!
Razenth2012-04-02 06:52:55
AG Lua for Mush, contact Ethelon. Continuously updated and I hear Ethelon is making exciting changes.
Lehki2012-04-02 07:17:41
I have my personal system for zMUD that I don't mind passing out. However I don't make any promises on exactly how well it works. And updates would just be pretty much just be whenever I feel like I need to add new lines or some bug really annoys me in the middle of a fight. I still have yet to bother getting any halli bard triggers. And I guess it's all kind of personalized around my preferences.

So yeah. <_<
Svorai2012-04-02 09:25:30

I have my personal system for zMUD that I don't mind passing out.

Can I have it so I know how to upset your system? :3

Joking! <3 Wooo people who make their own systems!
Lehki2012-04-02 14:01:55
It still sometimes spazzes out under Sap, so you're good for that. :P
Unknown2012-04-02 15:46:02
Looks to me like it spazzes out on everything :P
Unknown2012-04-02 16:03:33
No, you.
Lehki2012-04-02 16:56:09
Apparently just like your mapper does. /sickburn

Sorry I couldn't help myself after that, I'll stop now.