Legend of Korra

by Lilian

Back to The Real World.

Lilian2012-03-26 20:13:21
Sooo, the two first episodes of Legend of Korra have been released to the net thanks to the korranation Facebook page (100k likes = early viewing of the first two episodes, I was like number 4,798 or something ^_^)

And they did not disappoint!

Bolin reminds me a bit of Sokka, and Mako (honourary naming due to the passing of Mako Iwamatsu?) has kind of a Zuko look.

The Legend of Korra premiers April 14th, so no more episodes for a couple weeks (guess Game of Thrones season two will have to tide it over a bit). Any thoughts on these first two episodes?
Malarious2012-03-26 20:25:39
They are out!? Time to go grab them!
Lilian2012-03-26 20:29:00
They were up on korranation.com for the weekend. But I'm sure they are on Youtube or elsewhere. Well worth the watch!
Neos2012-03-26 20:30:51
I really liked the episodes. Can't wait for the series to start in earnest. Really hoping the action is as good or even better than the original. Though, it's weird getting experiencing the world with entirely new characters. Also, love Aangs grand-children.
Unknown2012-03-26 22:00:06
Just like last time, I thought their initial introduction of the main character was a little heavy-handed...but also just like last time, things were way awesome once the focus was past that.

So excited.
Drezneth2012-03-26 22:55:41
Ahhhmahgawd. I thought i would like this series less due to not having the old season one crew but I was blown away with how good it is so far. The animation seems a lot more fluid and pretty, and the jazz in the music makes me think of baccano! And good lord the facial reactions are wonderful.
Lorina2012-03-27 01:52:51
I absolutely love it! I am digging Tenzin and his crazy kids.
Drezneth2012-03-27 02:00:42
Fyi, Tenzen's voice actor is the actor that played Jonah Jameson in the spiderman movies. My mind was blown.
Eventru2012-03-27 11:03:25
I'll be honest, I'm really not too thrilled with this series. I was pretty avid with the last one - however I find this one to be a lot more... trite? I more or less agreed with Tenzen - the use of bending as a sport really feels degrading to the idea of bending (which had a very powerful, underlying spiritual aspect to it), and simply because Tenzen seems 'okay' with it now that he watched a match doesn't mean I like it anymore. An aggressive and fist-first Avatar doesn't really tickle my fancy either - Roku never came across that way in any of his flashbacks, and he was a firebender. It seems painfully out of character for an Avatar, nonetheless a waterbender.

As well, I know metal bending was Toph's 'technique' discovered during the last season, but I liked the idea that by being blind, she was able to uniquely determine the composition and means for bending it. The "spider-man" metalbenders really feel overplayed and overdone. I'd've bought it if it was just a couple of descendents, but it seems like any elite earthbender can be taught - yawn.

We'll see. The bender/non-bender thing is interesting, but I have an uncomfortable feeling it's just not going to look pretty at the end of the day.

I do look forward to spirit-Aang communing with her, however, and guiding her, a la Roku. I wonder how Tenzen feels about that - would be crippling, your student being able to commune with your dead father, but you cannot.
Lilian2012-03-27 14:40:29
Toph does establish a school for metal bending in the comic book "The Promise", and it's not terribly inconceivable that her children use it. I guess it's like the Aang/Korra dynamic as well - Lin is the polar opposite of Toph (Toph was rebellious and broke rules, Lin is stern and reinforces them) and uses her metalbending in the police force of the Republic City.

While Roku wasn't very aggressive (only when he had to be), Kyoshi certainly was a very fierce Avatar! And Aang, unlike every single other Avatar including Airbender ones, refused to kill. None of the Avatars are alike, and I think they made Korra Aang's polar opposite to simply differentiate the series and to deal with the new problems arising in it (upcoming civil war with benders vs nonbenders)?

While Aang was definitely a traditionalist (and this is reflected in Tenzen), he certainly enjoyed the Earthbender wrestling style fights in Book 2 of the first season, and he played an Airbender game with Sokka early in the first Book. Games with bending did exist before this series, and Toph was found at one of them (is the earth-bender wrestling really tamer than pro-bending?) I don't think having games that use bending reduces their spiritual significance.

The audience from the first series has grown up, it has been seven years since the first Book (2005). These new characters reflect that in their ages - we are dealing with teenagers and adults instead of children. Humour was infused to make the situation of children fighting in war be more feasible - teenagers can be handled more seriously and darker themes can be applied!

I am just saying - keep an open mind about the new series. I definitely am exited about it and I hope as you continue to watch, you will be too Eventru :)
Lilian2012-04-24 00:26:06
This week in The Legend of Korra...Zvoltz makes a cameo appearance, yay!

It was quite a doozy of an episode and next Saturday's looks to be especially tense.
Unknown2012-04-24 01:49:48
Mako is such a cutie! :3
Unknown2012-05-26 14:09:30
This show is the best thing on TV right now. If I had to choose between continuing to watch this or any other show I keep up with right now (Game of Thrones, Once Upon a Time, The Walking Dead), it would be this, hands down.

I've been reading around that evidently it's known that the current Fire Lord is Zuko's daughter? Thanks going to make for some entertaining flashbacks.