Gladiator: Rise Of Legends

by Ethelon

Back to The Real World.

Ethelon2012-03-20 00:52:47
For those who don't know, I've been working on a new IOS, Android, Facebook platform game called Gladiator: Rise Of Legends. We just started marketing and just today went live on to raise funding. Below I've posted some general information and any support, be it in likes, following us, joining our newsletter, or even donating, would be greatly appreciated!




Gladiator: Rise of Legends is a free to download and play strategy role-playing game designed for mobile platforms. iPhone at first, moving to Android next with aspirations to reach social media such as Facebook and Google+. In G: RoL you will assume the role of one of four different Social Classes whom are all now enslaved within your Ludus, where you will attempt to push on to reach the Roman Colosseum and engrave yours and your Ludi name and glory within the annuls of history. On your path to glory, your will be charged with progressing your way through a large amount of Training Tasks, which will bring you to many different scenes and geographies through out the Roman controlled world. The Training Tasks are sculpted around the tree system. Some Training Tasks are optional, but they will assist you when attempting the more difficult, sometimes one shot Tasks. These Tasks will also unfurl the twisting and intriguing plots that will go along with the experience, depending on which decisions you make, the Task branch will alter, also there will be Social Class specific Tasks, all of this creates for potentially different adventures each time you play. However, some Tasks will require certain armament to achieve a success, and as in real life, the different types of weapons and armor are virtually endless.

Learn more at the links above!!!

Thank you for any support you can give!